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Skylab II - MechJeb is not always perfect


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It was midnight, and we just entered our launch window... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Liftoff of the SLS with Skylab II. We rose to 10km, separated the Boosters, and begin the gravity turn to get into our parking orbit at 100km. We hit 30km, and separated the SLS Core. Skylab II now was under its own power to get into orbit. We get into our parking orbit, and waited for about 30 mins to prepare for the burn to send us on our path towards the Mun. We fired the engine to send us towards the Mun, a cratered, desolate land, scattered with the engines and fuel tanks of countless failed attempts to land there. We reach our Munar Encounter, and fire the engine to insert us into our orbit. Little did we know that the autopilot had failed. Right after we finished the burn, Skylab II began to go into a spin, around and around. We watched the G-Meter rise, 3... 6... 9... 12... 15... BOOM. Solar panels, RCS tanks, Engines, Docking Ports flying everywhere. We tried to fire the engine on Skylab II to stop the spin, we already knew the mission would be lost. The engine sent us on a course to impact inside of a huge crater. We crashed, spraying pieces of the ship all over the landscape. The cause of the mission failure is presumed to be a misfiring of thrusters by the MechJeb autopilot. In other words, MechJeb is not always perfect.

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