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Kerbollo 11


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Greetings fellow Kerbonauts!

First time poster, recent KSP purchaser, and HUGE fan already!

Although I\'ve only had this for a few days, I\'ve already made a few dents in the Mun\'s surface, leaving behind a few Kerbonauts in the process. In fact, 6 still need rescuing after their landing modules were hopelessly damaged (KSP funding cutbacks, due to a bad economy). Was actually in the middle of a phone call while trying to land, and didn\'t notice that my lateral vector was off :(. KSP needs to really implement call forwarding and/or call waiting during such a circumstance!

My most recent attempt:


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Thanks guys!

Awesome job! Kind\'a funny landing there, I\'ve done that several times!

Where did you get that engine from on your ship?

Welcome to the forums!


That\'s the stock little engine. It\'s the only one that the lander legs will stick past. Doesn\'t have a lot of power, but it does get me where I need to go :)

Three more impact craters, and three more stranded (9 total now). I almost had a perfect landing last night, but I accidentally jetisoned my fuel pods, and one blew up so close by it popped my capsule off the lander :(

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OMG that was hilarious. My first thought was, hey it did not explode, then boom..booom. I also loved it functioned as a 'rover'. At the end it looked like a landspeeder. Thanks for the laughs, this game... too cool.


Chief Engineer Insane Rockets Division

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The LV-909 is new in 0.14.

Thanks Umbral! I didn\'t have access to KPS at the time, so couldn\'t remember the name.

The LV-909 is a Kerbally-fine engine ... no power to speak of, but it sure seems to last a long time. I flubbed a MTO once, by killing a stage during the maneuver. I figured, what the heck, I\'ll give it a try (a REAL Apollo ... er Kerbollo 13 moment here!) Long story short, managed to circle the Mun once and made it safely back to Kerbal with most of my fuel still in the can.

Guess that was the reason I kept trying to salvage this mission. Was hoping the remaining lander legs would push me upright, and when that didn\'t work, thought maybe a bump in the terrain would do it, and I\'d be able to get my Kerbs back home in one piece. When I saw the parachute fall off, I was heartbroken :(.

Still, the Kerbal Space Program marches on ... we\'re desperately working on our landing skills, and are looking at new designs in order to maximize our retrieval attempts for the Lost Munar 9, before their oxygen supplies run out.

Unfortunately, we\'re up to Kerbollo 53 now, and quickly running out of Kerbonauts :(. We\'re hoping for an ad campaign to be released soon that will bring more recruits to KSP, despite 150 unfortunate deaths.

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Was going ask this question in a more appropriate forum, but is there a naming convention for the Kerbin 'months' (ie, what are they called?). I\'m remaking the above video a bit with some extra audio, and wanted to be more 'canon' and appropriate to the universe. I just haven\'t found anything of this nature yet, nor have I found what actually constitutes 'established' canon :(

*Edit* The Remixed version!

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Hehe, you don\'t know HOW long it took me to edit that clip so that it flowed just right. I had more planned, but it was already so late, I decided to go with it as is.

Future projects will hopefully so some similar stuff, using existing sound files (public domain), if I can get my hands on better sound software.

Should have remixed this in Black and White like the original Apollo landings :(. Ahh, live and learn.

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