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Can I destroy celestial bodies?

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I just want to know is it possible to destroy planets with a glitch or something in the courrent version? How I tried it is crashing a 167 part, 1312 tons rocket with unbreakable parts, part joints, and infinite fuel, onto Minmus ( 'cause Kerbin's atmosphere slowed me down ) with the speed of 55.626 m/s, but what happened is that I crashed and blew up despite unbreakability (at -100 m).


Because I hate minmus so much can you help me destroy it?:sticktongue:

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There used to be a glitch in some of the older Danny2462 videos (I think it was called Research and Destruction) where you make a line of girders and stab it into the planet, also known as planet jousting :P

Unfortunately, it looks like they fixed that, but there's two possibilities now:

1) Use this, although it looks rather weird: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65110-The-PlanetBuster-9000

2) HyperEdit, redirect Minmus into the sun or interstellar space

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As far as I know, celestial bodies will always be more 'unbreakable' than anything (stock) you throw at it. They're on rails, meaning there's nothing that can stop them.

Only mods and the like can adjust your solar system. The PlanetBuster probably removes the entire body from game.

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The Answer Is No, All Celestial Bodies ( Besides Asteroids ) Can Not Be Moved In Vanilla KSP, However There Is A Mod Called Hyper Edit Link There --> http://www.kerbaltekaerospace.com/?page=hyperedit

Witch Allows You To Edit Orbit Of Planets And Other Objects, But Be Very Careful Because When You Edit The Planets Obits It Effects All Saves ( I Learned That The Hard Way ) But I Would Be Cool To See Something Like That In Vanilla KSP, The Ability To Redirect/ Destroy Planets, But I Doubt That Will Ever Be Implemented Into Vanilla, So If You Wana To Do That Here Is What I Would Recomend. Download Another KSP Game And Get Hyper Edit.

Have Fun

~ John To The Brogan :cool:

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My first reaction is "Why would you want to?" If it's to make Kerb in more like earth might I suggest one of the Real Solar System offshoots? I am almost certain there is one that keeps stock size, but changes the planetary layout to mach our own solar system.

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