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Torn Sail Exploration: getting nowhere slowly. Developement thread


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While waiting for my favorite mods to be updated I decided to give part creation a hand.

I am creating a new startup, thrown into the mix with all the other companies fighting for space exploration and boosters. Torn Sail Exploration promises to bring pointlessly large, yet usable, components for spending years away from Kerbin in slightly more comfort than a garbage can with a seat.

Introducing a large centrifuge:


Deployed it's 17ish meters wide. Collapsed it's close to 6m across.

And a command pod for stations:


An attempt at a triangular cupola-like pod.

To do:

-finish model/collision mesh

-stockalike textures


-Science or life support related components??

This is my first attempt at doing something with blender where poly counts might matter and textures are more complicated than a single material

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