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Docking Alignment Indicators


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Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere.

I'm currently vetting my long-ass list of mods with the new update and trying to cut down on redundancies. I've a couple of mods that either explicitly provide docking alignment indicators (e.g. Navball DAI and NavyFish's), or offer a DAI function bundled in the pack (e.g. Romfarer's Lazor System). With so many mods at once I'm having trouble grasping what each one offers. Can anyone save me a buttload of trial and error and summarise the prominent docking alignment and navball mods, and possibly suggest the most efficient combination?

For example, I need Lazor for other mods, so does it's DAI render NavyFish's redundant, or is it inferior? Or is there a better DAI altogether?

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Navball DAI - Offers a simple marker for aligning the port direction and rotation but does not have alignment of the port itself. So with just this one you will have to eyeball where the port actually is, navigate manually if it is behind you and then translate left, right, up and down. This is for those who like docking to still be a challenge.

DPAI and Lazor are both very similar. Lazor has the camera, DPAI does not. So basically they have rotation, direction, and full alignment but if the camera bothers you then use DPAI, if you like the camera use Lazor. To me it's distracting, if your flying by instruments you shouldn't need a camera, but that is personal preference.

EDIT Oh, the new version of DPAI has auto-targeting and port naming too, not sure about Lazor I used it very little.

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