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Is the antenna transmitting radio or TV are hazardous to health

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Still, radio waves are pretty much harmless unless you fool around the antenna while it's under power. Microwaves can be dangerous, but not only they're mostly used for highly directional transmissions, they have a short range and quickly become harmless. They can (S-band in particular, it's what the ovens run on) boil water in human body, but the intensity for comm applications is usually small enough that if you're not leaning against the antenna (a rather dumb thing to do), you'll probably be fine.

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Dude, you're talking out of your arse.

Nothing you said in this entire post got anything to deal with reality.

I live in such country and I'm witnessing everything I've wrote. What you're calling "talking out of my arse" is something sociologists are currently studying and writing books about. What you call bullshit, other people are studying as a phenomena of the transitional post-socialist country.

So I'd say you better check your sources because what you're saying has no value. Maybe in certain countries, but certainly not mine or, the worst example, Russia, which is a pure textbook example of what I'm saying.

Conspiracy theorist types also have these issues - especially the Libertarian types worried about the "New World Order." I've had a number of conversations with a friend's family friend who is in this boat. He's worried about cell phone radiation, smart electrical meter radio signals (claims the signals are "bullet shaped") along with "chem-trails." I was explaining the difference between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. He listened, but still seemed set in his ways. And this is in Los Angeles.

There are basically two types of people scared of such things: poorly educated right wing population (voting stock that gets easily swayed around by the promises of the same people that don't care about them) and somewhat educated left wing population which enjoys the feeling of being scared and has some knowledge to understand the existing threat from the rich and the corrupted, but not enough knowledge to dismiss pseudoscience.

There are of course other types, but these are the two most prominent and obvious.

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I live in such country and I'm witnessing everything I've wrote. What you're calling "talking out of my arse" is something sociologists are currently studying and writing books about. What you call bullshit, other people are studying as a phenomena of the transitional post-socialist country.

So I'd say you better check your sources because what you're saying has no value. Maybe in certain countries, but certainly not mine or, the worst example, Russia, which is a pure textbook example of what I'm saying.

It might be so in your "Glonous Republic of Etchisketchistan" whatever that would be but extrapolating your personal impressions to all of the post-communist countries is - as I said - talking out of your arse.

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