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Display part graphic/image on the contract "test this part" screen

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While playing through many of the procedurally generated contracts (nice job on those BTW, Squad!) I have found myself having to click back and forth between my science lab and mission control (or using the internet) to see what the part in question is. I simply do not have all of the part names and alpha-numeric designations memorized and as such, before I accept a contract to use a part I want to know what it is.

Do I already have it unlocked?

Is it a part I can easily/theoretically incorporate into a basic design I already have?

Will this part be a pain to test at the listed altitude/speed (or in orbit)?

Sometimes simply seeing what part I am being asked to test lets me know if this is a contract I should accept or not. :cool:

Edited by Torrack
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I considered making a post about this but i chose not to as there were a lot of similar but not quite the same posts floating around :P

I agree completely tho, this would be nice to have.

I hate not knowing for sure if the part i think im testing is the part i am actually testing.

I have logged WAY too many hours in this game and i still do not have every part memorized :P

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