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It'll be dark soon, and they mostly come at night. Mostly.

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A mysterious radio signal from the Munar Nearside Arch region has prompted the Boffs to order up a mission profile to include vehicle designs and a crew manifest to investigate the area, and take whatever action necessary (and possible) to secure the area.

Mission Brief:

You are to take seven Kerbals to Mun in an orbiter which includes the following components:

TWO 7-man landers

ONE 7-man Rover (to land with (ie attached to) the first lander)

ONE orbital waypoint (ie the superstructure)

Land near the Munar Nearside Arch and plant no less than THREE flags around the perimeter so the area between them entirely encompasses the Arch. Yes, that's anything from 2-5km between flags.

Leave the Rover underneath the Arch.

Leave the first lander in orbit around Mun after recovering the Kerbals to the orbiter*.

Return the Kerbals to KSC using the second lander, leaving the orbiter around Kerbin.

Design limitations:

- Any structural mod allowed

- Chemical and nuclear rockets consume fuel. Carry fuel. "Infinite" isn't an acceptable tank capacity.

- *You may opt to use the second lander to recover your Kerbals. If you do this, you must ensure the destruction of the first lander. We suspect that whatever is on Mun has the ability to transmute inert compounds into fuel, although nobody has yet witnessed this (and lived to tell about it). Therefore, we cannot leave anything behind on the surface that is likely to be used to leave by anything other than a Kerbal.

(Challengers' Note: I'll be running through this on my .23.5 installation since I have a 7-man capsule there which I'll be using. For my next trick, remembering how to build a robust rover...)

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