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Flag Request(s)


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I looked around at the different sub-forums and decided this was the appropriate one for this request. If you are a moderator and see it and think it should not be here, please feel free to move it to the correct location.

So I am about to start a long, enjoyable Modded Space Program, and decided I should get some nice non-stock flags for the missions I will run. This would be a lot easier if I was some sort of graphical artist, but alas, my Photoshop skills are lackluster at best, so I request from you, the amazing population of the KSP forums, to help! Here are my 3 requests:

1) I have a concept for a flag that I will use any time Jeb, Bill, or Bob are on a mission. It will be based off the first picture in this album, but it will utilize the custom faces that I have for them with Texture Replacer (Pictures 2, 3 and 4).{Let me know if you need an ingame shot of each of the faces.}

2) My main go-to flag would be a revised version of the 5th picture in this imgur album. I made this by combining 2 stock flags, please use your creative licence on this one, but try and keep it simple.

3) I have 2 flags from a currently un-identified mod that I really like. They are here in this album. I would like, if possible, one for each celestial body in the Kerbol system, otherwise I would want one for atleast each planet in the Kerbol System.

If you are interested, or know of a flag that fits my description, please let me know or post it in here!

Any/All flags created here will be credited on stream and in my 0.24.2 Modlist.

Thank you in advance!

Edited by WololoW
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