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Rekless Science [vidlog]


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With the 0.24 update and required mod updates I just decided to abandoning my old log and start a new career.

My Star Citizen corp mates were nagging to just create vids instead of picture albums, so what the hell!

This is my first ever video with a program I knew absolutely nothing about to create episode 1.

It all started off so well that I forgot to record KSP sounds, 45 minute recording instead of something simple and a forrest of options to wade through.

With the new Kerbal Space Program 0.24 update and release of career mode, I decided to start from scratch and instead of making a screenshot mission log, try it with video :)

Most of the recording is time lapsed at 400%, next time I will try to balance/cut&paste more to make it feel less of a drag due to it being 1 recording.

This is my first video ever, and yes, I forgot to record KSP sound and as I don`t listen much to music I had no idea what to include so left it silent.

Learning Lightworks is quite a learning curve, but hopefully the first attempt isn`t to bad!

I am far from happy, but with knowing jack about anything, it could have been worse :blush:

At the end started to get text overlay better under control, crossfading and actually considering if to get a mic and start yelling at my kerbals :)

Please let me know if to continue while learning Lighworks techniques, doing it for fun and sharing but not for the amount of work lol

You can also say it sucks, would have thought the same most likely, but the attempt is worth atleast a "2" :P

Edited by Kamuchi
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Presenting: L.O.L. WhatEver

Greatly improved anti-vomit technologiesâ„¢

Think ahead recordingâ„¢

Brainfart time lapsesâ„¢

In short: learned how to edit...

Recorded with keeping in mind that at 400% speed the 1000 movements make you seasick

Time lapses are cut, 400% and reinserted for smooth transition.

Getting transition under control, both cross and speedbumping [abouve point]

It`s still abit long for such a short mission, but how much can you timelaps befor blurring what people want to see, flying the ship.

Jury is still out on that one...


I did when creating it ;)

For some reason Lightworks exports just a tad lower quality then you would expect from a 1080p export :/

The hickups in the vid are also from Lightworks as the original is just fine :(

Edited by Kamuchi
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While doing alot of bug hunting with conflicting mods and recording new missions, some one mentioned a challenge, wich was kind of funny smiley.gif

Presenting: Jeb&Bill swinging on the Mun!

Lack of trust for the lander made me crash a couple of times, untill I had a more controlled crash and managed to keep the swing intact.

Build/launch stage was a disaster aswell and required a couple of saves/reverts as FAR made it explode or topple and ofcourse the launch clamp bugs that snap to your ship mid launch for instant destruction :P

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Another sidetrack and a couple of hours later... this time a simple album as with no result it isn`t worth vid editing launch, orbit and several docking attempt[boring] :)

The Kerbin low orbit Torus attempt:

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Great fail because of the end being sooooo wobly it was nearly impossible to even dock part #8, let alone a couple hundred more lol

Idea shelved for now, but already thinking if it can be done with 10m diameter parts using PP to create 100m sections and quantum struts for increased strength.

To be continued in the near future... :D

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Building a simple SSTO so that we can bring crew up&down for our future space hub in LKO.

Few glitches posponed the creation and SSTO #2 didn`t go exactly super...

Wanted to start playing with music editing, but after all the problems it was wiser to keep annoyance to my self.

Hit your fav tunes again ;)

SSTO #2 will be awhile, 13 recording and 22.9gb of disasters to go through.

This is showing how easy FAR is, next version will show what a *bleep* FAR is xD

Thanks for enduring & untill next time!

[if you see no pic, it`s just uploaded]

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