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Is there a subtle push for renewing space interest?


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Curious if anyone else has noticed this. The Apollo 11 anniversary has always caught my attention, but what's weird is, it seems to be catching a lot of attention this year. I've seen folks on my social networks (who are not Kerbs, some of them I've had for years) posting about the anniversary. One of my local radio stations has been doing a whole week of lunar landing trivia. In the past month or two, I've seen numerous articles being published that suggest it's time for a new space race (what us space nerds have been whining about for years) and listing the reasons why. Resource harvesting has been brought up a lot too. And just as I was typing this, I got news about Buzz and Michael visiting President Obama.

Maybe it's just a lot of freak coincidences. This is only 45, I'd be expecting a lot more hype at the 50th year. There just seems to be some space enthusiasm coming from places where I would never expect to see it. I just can't help but wonder if somebody out there is trying to give America's People a little nudge.

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Need more cameras on more rockets. Launches are short. Only 8 or so minutes. If public interests grows there's no reason major news channels can't cut to them each time. I'm sick of watching death and destruction. Why can't we see the news on what good things humans are doing?

Edited by Motokid600
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