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Combining LightModule with others causes broken parts?

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I'm trying to create a window that not only glows via an emissive but also emits light with a point light and is controlled by an animation. When the player selects the part and "turns on the light" the glass should glow and cast light in a cartoonish but realistic way. My inspiration is the bac9 aerospace pack.

I've got my parts and animations laid out in Unity and when I run the animation in Unity everything does what I expect it to do (this isn't my first part to behave this way). The problem comes when I load up KSP and try to test the part in game. One of two things happens:

1) The part has the "enable light" option but nothing animates when I push it.

2) The model fails to load entirely. The config loads but not the model. Deleting the animation fixes the load issue but, of course, I'm left without an animation.

The difference between this part and one I've done in the past is this new one also includes a built in RCS module where the old part only had the light module. I'm inclined to blame myself or Unity and not KSP. When I remove the animation the part loads fine even with the light module still intact in the config (it just points to nothing). Furthermore the lights are glowing okay in game; I simply can't turn them on and off.


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hard to say without looking at the logs. first place I'd check is to make sure the module is calling the correct animation in your MU file.

check KSP_Data/output_log.txt and do a search for the part that fails to load, usually you'll see some error message that gives you a clue where to look.

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