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[WIP] Salyut Stations/Soyuz/Vostok/Voskhod/ASTP - Released!


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My Vostok and Soyuz mods have been merged into this mod! This is the new development thread for both of those.

I have started on another project, this time Salyut stations. Some of these were old orbiter models that I have ported over under authorization, redone the animations and textures for.


Progress so far:

Salyut 1/4: done

Salyut 6: done

Salyut 7: done

Almaz 2/3/5: done

TKS: In progress


Soyuz 7K-OK P and A: done

Soyuz 7K-T: done

Soyuz 7K-AF: done

Progress 7K-TG: done


Vostok: done

Voskhod: done



This license does not cover mod packs. Putting my work into a mod pack is prohibited.

Edited by diomedea
corrected link to Imgur albums
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Salyut 6 is done, Salyut 1 needs some more refining. I tested with both oldd and bobcat protons and was able to get to orbit just fine. I scaled the model to be the same as all of the iss/mir/soyuz parts 64%. I also got permission from bobcat to include his core module IVA in the download so you all get an accurate IVA(although upgraded significantly from the originals). I am trying to get permission to use the kosmos solar arrays and kcbs docking port but no luck contacting the original author. That may end up being a dependency with module manager configs to rescale them for use with this mod if I can't get in touch for permission.

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  raidernick said:
Salyut 6: Prototype done, no solar panels yet(I might just use kosmos ones), no thrust or rcs transform and airlock problem again

You can't use KOSMOS parts as the license of that mod doesn't allow it. The modder has also been gone for ages.

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  CaptRobau said:
You can't use KOSMOS parts as the license of that mod doesn't allow it. The modder has also been gone for ages.

If you read a couple of posts up you'll see I'm trying to get in touch with him, and if I can't I'm just going to make it a dependency with separate configs for his files. That's not going against the license.

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Salyut 1 is done and ready for release. Salyut 6 is also done awaiting an answer on the kosmos parts. If I don't get permission I'm just going to write alternate configs and you'll have to download kosmos separately.

Both stations don't have proper EVA hatches as I CANNOT get them to work. I am still looking for experienced modder help on this. I spent over 12 hours now on the stupid airlock alone and can't get it to work placed where i need it.

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Out of curiosity, why no Almaz stations? They were just Salyut with a different airlock (mounted aft, at the propulsion module), different panels and an antenna array where Salyut I's airlock was. It's only the last, unlaunched Almaz that was weird (it had the VA capsule on the front).

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With all the projects I'm working on I don't have the time to dedicate to make the OMS or weird solar panels for the almaz stations. I'm currently wrapping this mod up so I can work on the probes as they are going to require a TON of work for release. If you or someone else wants to do the solar panels, oms and textures be my guest I'll gladly include it with the mod. If not I may consider doing it at a later point when all my current projects are finished. I have several more I am waiting on that I haven't released any info about yet besides what I have posted.

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  raidernick said:
Salyut 1 is done and ready for release. Salyut 6 is also done awaiting an answer on the kosmos parts. If I don't get permission I'm just going to write alternate configs and you'll have to download kosmos separately.

Both stations don't have proper EVA hatches as I CANNOT get them to work. I am still looking for experienced modder help on this. I spent over 12 hours now on the stupid airlock alone and can't get it to work placed where i need it.

Hey. PM me and I'll help you out with the hatches.

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pm sent

Also, about the kosmos parts. I've been looking into the license more it says "Share  copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format" and directly in the parts readme it says "You are permitted to redistribute the parts in their original form, so long as this readme is bundled with them." This means I can bundle the unchanged parts with my mod and use module manager to adjust the scale of the parts and node type to fit the station. Am I understanding this correctly? I want to make sure I'm not breaking any rules before releasing this and obviously can't contact normak as he has been awol for a long time(I've already tried).

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  • 3 months later...

I'd say, it could use more polygons. You have some nice details on the texture, but they look flat and no amount of normal mapping can change that (very much because, well, they are flat). Especially the large antenna on the bottom would really benefit from an actual model.

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Because of some comments about the color in the release thread I decided to change it as a test. I want some feedback on the colors (AND ONLY THE COLORS, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE), before I would even consider to release these as the official colors.

The reference shots I used were of the only good picture of Salyut 6 that showed it's "red", an not orangeish color(or the "brown" from Salyut 7, which is also wrong). For the green, I used the museum Salyut and the ASTP Soyuz 19(since this was the same color as the station thermal blankets).

Here are the new colors:



Here are the references:




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  raidernick said:
Because of some comments about the color in the release thread I decided to change it as a test. I want some feedback on the colors (AND ONLY THE COLORS, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE), before I would even consider to release these as the official colors.

The reference shots I used were of the only good picture of Salyut 6 that showed it's "red", an not orangeish color(or the "brown" from Salyut 7, which is also wrong). For the green, I used the museum Salyut and the ASTP Soyuz 19(since this was the same color as the station thermal blankets).

Here are the new colors:



Here are the references:




I like both colors (release's and this), but yeah, the last ones is better.

Raidernick, will you do old type of Progress ship?

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  mortuus said:
Raidernick, will you do old type of Progress ship?

I'm actually working on that now. There seems to be only one picture of a Progress 7K-TG with the thermal blankets on it. I'm using that for reference, as I only need to replace the descent module and modify the existing orbital module's shape and remove the windows and hatch.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Originally I wasn't going to do the Almaz stations because of lack of references. Apparently a private company has purchased 2 old almaz hulls and is refurbishing them for use. They are releasing new pictures that I can use as reference.

The only problem I'm having is what the side of the station looked like opposite the docking port. Every picture I find shows something different on that end so I'm not sure what to do there. The high res ones of the hulls the private company purchased are clearly missing pieces as the edges of the thermal blankets are exposed and would have never been like that on the finished station. I'm inclined to do it the way you see it in the last picture below.

Also wondering if the actual Almaz stations had the 6 unfoldable radiators on the bottom I see in some of the pictures.






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The pictures you posted are not of a single station. The first pic is of the last completed, unlaunched Almaz. It had two docking ports, looked a lot like late-model Salyut with an Almaz propulsion system. The second one is another station that was midway through construction, featuring an odd-looking quartet of tanks on the front face. The third and the 4th pic are not actually of a space station, but of an Almaz-T spy satellite. It is identifiable by the T-shaped antenna (folded in the 3rd pic) and the radiators. The last pic is of a "typical", launched Almaz, likely OPS-3 (the last one to be launched). It can be recognized by the "CANIOT" writing on the stern. No manned Almaz was actually designated as such, they were all launched as Salyuts. Anything you find with "ALMA3" designation will almost certainly be an Almaz-T.

Generally, you should give the highest priority to the first one and the last. The station in the last pic was actually flown, the one in the first nearly so. Almaz-T is interesting in its own right, but is not a space station.

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You know what would work best? Customizable front face. You could make the usual antenna array (note, the 4 spherical tanks were not standard Almaz design. Not saying you can't make that, too), a VA capsule adapter (planned, nearly flown) and a second docking port, all interchangeable. This could make it easier to make multiple variants using the same body. The real Almaz was much like that, too.

Also, the station had a payload compartment (used for spy gear) in the bottom. In the topmost pic you posted, you can see it under the station, with a small ladder extending into it from the ground. It was also present on Salyuts (and indeed, quite similar). This is the large gray rectangle you've got on the Salyut textures (sadly, is not modeled beyond that).

Oh, and looking forward to the solar panels. :) Hope they'll be detachable and have a high-res texture. Those are my favorite solar panels ever since KOSMOS featured them back in 0.14 or so. :)

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Without proper reference I am not designing a front end other than this. There are no pictures of what the alternate front of the station looked like besides some sketches(what is on the wiki and this picture below, both show a completely different end). This is not good enough and I'm not doing any work based on these drawings unless I can see an actual picture of it.

As for the "payload compartment", it is not a payload compartment(on the almaz stations at least), it is where the telescope is located. You can see in the picture below. Pictures of the interior of the station confirm this. I have not modeled this yet so there would be nothing to see. Since Salyut's were derived from the almaz hull, that space was not used for a telescope and instead replaced with a storage compartment.


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