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KSP skype teamviewer Lessons


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My skype username: coupon1234

I have decided to start giving KSP tutorials vith Skype and teamviewer. I can teach you anything, building rockets, and anything from getting orbit to going to other planets. How this will work is, once I add you to skype, you can download teamviewer. Since many people believe teamviewer is dangerous and unsecure (which it is not, they are just paranoid) you can view the screen on my computer, and we will play on the same running KSP program. You can interact with it, but if you do anything bad I can stop the connection. I will walk you through the steps of how to do something, whether it's getting to orbit or getting to the mun. Since I can see what is happening in your game, it will be more useful than a youtube tutorial. Teamviewer has an inbuilt chat system, so we can use that or skype for voice, if you want.

I did this once, many months ago, and I successfully taught someone to get to mun. If you are interested, add me on skype! coupon1234

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