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Kerbalesque Adventure Video


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Hi Y'all,

I was searching for a generic, non KSP video thread but just couldn't find one. If anyone can point me to one, or move this thread there, that'd be great.

Anyway. Just came across this video, "Gumby on the Moon." It's a lot like a Kerbal adventure! Green guy stranded on the moon somehow, needs to be rescued, odd pyramid shapes etc.

If you've got additional time to kill, check out this children's bedtime story video. It's got beautiful artwork and music. While the stories are totally different, there are a LOT of visual similarities to the Gumby video above...moon with a face, use of a ladder to get to the moon, googly eyed characters, etc...


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Now I know where I got my idea for a CGI vid of a mars rock that leaps up in panic after being 'sniffed' by a rover.

Totally forgot about this, but now I remember seeing it when I was little, and that it totally creeped me out.

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