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Interesting ways to take off from the mun.....


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So i landed Jebediah on the mun to gather some delicious science and totally botched his landing.....


After killing him several times...


i had to sit back and think about how to get him back to kerbin... without sending another vehicle!

Hmmmm... there's a steep crater nearby.... Lets roll baby!



Reached the edge and gently tipped over the lip so my engine was facing down... finally ha ha ha





Probably not worth its own thread but i'm so impressed with myself i thought i should share with everybody! Any comments? :D

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Pretty cool. Similar stuff has happened to my Jeb as well. One time he ran out of EVA fuel on Minmus and had to jump like 20 times to reach the pod door because I hadn't invented ladders yet. Good times.

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I was using rcs ports as engines for a challenge and massively underestimated how much I would need to take off from the mun so I drove a rover with monopropelant on it from the other side of the mun to this lander, refueled it and ended up getting the kerbal out and having him jetpack the rest of the way because I ran out again

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That pretty much happened to me in the early days of KSP when the Mun came out. So many Bill, Jeb and Bob killed like that. Sometimes I deliberately destroyed parts of my ship just so I could roll on the mun with just the capsule, rover style.

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