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Cloning Kerbal?


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So i recently encountered a weird glitch, that cloned Jebediah Kerman. I crashed a plane near the capsule he was in, and when i switched to his capsule, something weird happened. I was unable to revert or go to the space center. When I went on EVA he was walking around normally, but it was hard to control. When i went to go back in the pod, he froze on the latter. I switched to the pod, and Jeb was in it, although we was also outside. I tossed the other Jeb out and they were indeed both Jeb. Here's a link to a video i posted.

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quick kill it before they multiply even more! or if you get a third one you can have your whole team be jeb

Ummmm. A 3 man team of Jebs..........Anyone else scared to think of the hijinks that would happen on a mission with them? Me personally I think Bill's panicking, and Bob's fearful reaction help keep Jeb under control when he's flying (NO JEB YOU CAN'T MAKE THE LANDER DO FLIPS 100 METERS OFF THE GROUND) He's scary enough at times on his one man missions, think of what 3 of them at once would be like. :)

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