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[1.8.x - 1.12.x] Salyut Stations (Salyut/Almaz) - 8-26-21


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The Soyuz parts have been split from this mod into their own mod, if you want to download them click HERE.

This is a salyut mod for the DOS & OPS style stations. It contains fully functional replicas of Salyut 1, 4, 6 and 7. It also now contains Almaz 2, 3 and 5. These can be used interchangeably with the other DOS/OPS stations of the same series although they may have had a different color scheme.

This mod also contains the Soyuz and Progress 7k series of spacecraft, use for ferry to stations.

Now also contains Vostok and Voskhod spacecraft, and TKS/VA spacecraft and LOK/LK.

For all the "geniuses" who can't read and claim I steal all my stuff without attribution, try reading the bottom of any OP for any of my mods. I ALWAYS make an attribution list of the original mesh authors for parts if I use something that wasn't originally mine. I NEVER use something without contacting and asking the original author for permission even if they have an open license that allows usage without asking. I am always transparent about whether or not I made the parts from scratch and have NEVER claimed to have made something 100% myself when I did not. I kindly ask that people stop spreading lies around because they are angry and have a vendetta against me, you know who you are.

If you enjoy this mod consider downloading Soviet Rockets HERE. It contains rockets to be used with this mod

Album: http://imgur.com/a/60Syy


Stock Remotetech Support:

-If you use remotetech in STOCK KSP, here is a module manager config to make the probes compatible, if you use Realism Overhaul DO NOT USE THIS: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6h8vu19gzxkr413/Salyut_Soyuz_RT.cfg?dl=0

Installation Instructions:

Dependencies include the most updated versions BD Animation, Smokescreen, ModuleManger, Texture Replacer and KSP-AVC for the specific version of KSP listed above.

This mod is also available on CKAN

NOTE: I DO NOT support CKAN installs, if you use ckan at all do not even bother submitting a bug report, I will ignore it. CKAN installs my mods incorrectly frequently, and other mods incorrectly which cause mine to not work(i.e. FAR, RSS, RO). If I continue to get false CKAN bug reports under the ruse of a manual install I'll be forced to change my license to forbid CKAN from listing my mods.


-Please use the included craft file as the film capsule is difficult to place and the station requires the Salyut ASAS to function. I hid this inside the station mesh in the craft file.

-The film capsule has NO SAS OR REACTION WHEELS, as it did in real life. You need to point the entire station so the capsule is facing retrograde before ejecting it. Once ejected fire the retro rockets. When it enters the atmosphere, drag will cause it to turn to face the right way for reentry. You then manually deploy the parachutes. Make sure it lands ON LAND.

-The station telescope has hullcam support


-This mod is no longer compatible with Bobcat or OLDD protons as I have made my own

-KOSMOS panels have been merged into this mod as I now have control of that pack

-You MUST use the Salyut ASAS to properly control the stations!



IVA & Landing Engine by Bobcat: used under authorization(I have a PM backup of me receiving permission from him to use this in 2014)

Salyut 4/6/7 solar arrays by KOSMOS: Originally CBBP. This mod was given to me to maintain, used under authorization

Original DOS models by MajorTom and Castorp: used under authorization

Original Vostok models: Slavutinsky Victor

Firespitter - Snjo - License: You may reuse code and textures from this mod, as long as you give credit in the download file and on the download post/page. Reuse of models with permission. No reselling. No redistribution of the whole pack without permission. UV map texture guides are included so you can re-skin to your liking.

Reflection Plugin Source: https://github.com/raidernick/Reflection-Plugin-Continued

Textures Unlimited - Shadowmage - GPL 3.0

Bahasp and rnmodules source: https://github.com/raidernick/BDAnimationModules

KOSMOS: Permission given to use by original author




This license does not cover mod packs. Putting my work into a mod pack is prohibited.

Using any of my mods names or likenesses, including in derivative works, expansions, addons is prohibited

Edited by raidernick
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Updated V0.2

-Fixed center of gravity location

-Fixed docking port having multiple nodes

-Updated craft files

You will need to delete any current in orbit stations before updating this or their parts will be all over the place.

Edited by raidernick
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Are we going to get proper textures and normal maps on that one? It's the same deal as with Luna probes. The stations had thermal blankets as well (the green parts, I think), radiators (white) and solar panels identical to Soyuz 7K-OK (the ones you have look off). Also, KOSMOS is a huge mod and it's getting outdated, so proper panels for later Salyuts would be good as well.

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  raidernick said:
Since I don't count the almaz stations as actually part of the salyut dos station program, the only one I have left to do is salyut 7. This was just a backup for 6 and is identical except for the paint job.

ok thats all, right what aboat the TKS ir is it just the core module ?

:). Salyut_7-schema.jpg

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crunch - That illustration is of Kosmos 1443, a TKS craft docked with Salyut 7.

TKS is the combo of the FGB and the VA pod. FGB alone was used as an orbital tug to deliver Kvant-1 to Mir. It was also developed into full station modules for Mir (Kvant-2, Kristall, Spektr and Priroda) and finally the command module for the IIS, Zarya.

You can find a working TKS in the Kosmos mod.

radernick - As usual, great work. Salyut 7 eventually had all 3 of it's solar arrays upgraded with the additional smaller panels on the side of the main panels. Since those panels don't work with KAS they can't be upgraded on orbit. When you release Salyut 7 can you include the larger panels in the craft file?


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  JPurp said:
crunch - That illustration is of Kosmos 1443, a TKS craft docked with Salyut 7.

TKS is the combo of the FGB and the VA pod. FGB alone was used as an orbital tug to deliver Kvant-1 to Mir. It was also developed into full station modules for Mir (Kvant-2, Kristall, Spektr and Priroda) and finally the command module for the IIS, Zarya.

You can find a working TKS in the Kosmos mod.

radernick - As usual, great work. Salyut 7 eventually had all 3 of it's solar arrays upgraded with the additional smaller panels on the side of the main panels. Since those panels don't work with KAS they can't be upgraded on orbit. When you release Salyut 7 can you include the larger panels in the craft file?


ok thank mate, so i guess you know sum stuff about the


Russian Federal Space Agency in irl i'm looking forward to seeing the nauka go in to space and be docked to the iss :) your trouts?

mlm_iso_1.jpgsorry if the pic is to big by the way


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raidernick you should join the iss continuity mod pack i think you would like it here's a link


PS link also has all of bobcat's mod as well e.g mir,proton

PPS if you new about this in the first place just tiring to help

PPPS sorry for bad spelling

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I wouldn't get too excited for Nauka, you will only be disappointed.

They started building it in the late '90s, formalized plans 10 years ago (2004), first planned to launch it 7 years ago (2007) and now don't have plans to launch it for another 3 years (2017). I will be surprised if it is finished before the ISS end of service life in 2024-28.

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  • 2 weeks later...



-Added soyuz 7K series spacecrafts

-added soyuz craft files

-added craft files for use with r7 launchers in my soviet probes pack found here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/88045

-Requires RealChutes to work: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57988


Note: This note is for Dragon01, I am aware of any and all issues with the soyuz already. DO NOT post any complaints here, I will ignore them. If there are any game breaking problems I will fix them immediately and anything else is on my priority list for some point. The next major release for this will be updated textures for the stations.




Edited by raidernick
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Would also like to mention, the next update for this will rescale the stations and hopefully remove the kosmos dependency. Originally I had to rescale the stations too small otherwise they wouldn't fit in the oldd proton fairings. The bad thing about this is that they look like crap when coupled with the soyuz, too small basically. So I am going to scale them back up to proper scale, remove kosmos docking port dependencies and hopefully solar panels too. The update after that will fix the salyut 6 textures and make textures for salyut 7.

With the rescale it will no longer be compatible with denny's or bobcat's proton with rescaling them and completely redoing the salyut fairings by denny as they are the wrong shape to fit the station.

As a note users will be required to delete any stations in flight before upgrading.

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