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Here is a fantastic KSP video letting you feel enjoying Hollywood movie “The gravity�


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I found this video from above site, although Chinese subtitle, dialogue in English.

The first half of video reproduced the launch of Chinese Shenzhou series manned spaceship with original BGM during official live :D

The second half I believe reproduced the scene of The Gravity, while the last kinds of Apollo (welcome home!)

hope you like it.


to turn off those flying comment, click "å±Âèâ€Â½Ã¨Â®Â¾Ã¥Â®Å¡" which is the left tab (above which there are three lines of numbers ...) at the top of panel next to the video player window

then, the right panel will be updated, and just click to all the nine buttons (you will see 'stop' sign on it once click it)

Finally you can enjoy a clean screen.

Edited by uboats
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