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So, currently, your space program exists in (forgive the upcoming pun...) a vacuum. The only goings-on are at KSC, or your spacecraft.

What I would propose would be a few features, all designed to place the experience into a setting with meaning. Working them into the currently existing features is a huge bonus, but some features might exist purely based upon the experience they provide.

First. I would like to see a modification to the reputation system, splitting it into "factions"; ie, the companies represented as entities in the game currently. You might be absolutely adored by Rockomax, but Jeb's Junkyard might despise you (maybe you bring all your rockets back intact? :P) This *could* lead to some more interesting missions (or not, depending!) such as:

*Corporate Espionage: Deliver the (in development part) to *company* headquarters (which of course, doesn't currently exist), or alternately, deliver the part to an orbit of X,Y,Z, where our agents will retrieve the part.

*Cooperative Venture: *Company A* and *Company B* would like to collaberate on a project. You need to use *item1* with *item2*, and see if they perform as expected.

And so on.

Second, another "invisible" faction, "The Populace". The Kerbals not employed by these companies (or, if that isn't an option, maybe the Kerbals that aren't the BOD for these companies?) Your success rate (or spectacular failure rate, depending), milestone acheivements, etc, impacts this rating. This rating could do a number of things, all more visible, detailed below.

Third, News and Media. Perhaps integrating the Second suggestion, the Kerbin Weekly News (or whatever) could report on your space program. Your rating with the populace and the companies (or even overall, if the others aren't implemented) could adjust the page your article is found on... if at all. This would add another personal goal for some players - make the front page news!

Fourth, though this one is a bit less likely, a sort of marketplace for craft designs. When the player designs the craft, they can choose to "keep private", ie, not sell the craft or design, and produce it only for their use, "Sell vehicles", where they sell the finished product to other companies, or the populace, or "Sell design", where the design of the craft itself is sold off to competitors. The player could set the asking price, and interested companies could make bids. The bidding amount could fluctuate based upon your reputation, flights of the craft, etc.

I'm sure there are a lot of other things that could add more to make the space program seem to fit into the overall world, but those are the ideas that jumped out at me the most.

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This idea would be a monumental undertaking. The missions are easily doable as there's a post that tells you how to make contracts and what you're looking for is explained there.

I really like the idea of news. Something like a scrolling banner that runs kind of like Simcity 4. They were all ways fun to read, like when the Llama's got mad at you for creating pollution. It could just string random bits of this or that from the different corporations, maybe even pull contracts that you complete for content!

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Yepp, a newsticker or something like that would be quite a nice feature - 'First Kerbal landed on Mun - Jebediah Kerman: "I can't even light a cigar here!"' And it would give you a more accurate hint how your reputation is working.

As for different reputation for different companies: I don't like the idea. As I see reputation, it's how the Kerbals see your space program, so it's solely the public opinion. What I miss here is a impact on the game, like more Kerbals applying or even better Kerbals applying (which would require traits to matter). Company espionage isn't something I'd like to see in the game, it creates a hostile environment unfit for KSP.

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Yepp, a newsticker or something like that would be quite a nice feature - 'First Kerbal landed on Mun - Jebediah Kerman: "I can't even light a cigar here!"' And it would give you a more accurate hint how your reputation is working.

As for different reputation for different companies: I don't like the idea. As I see reputation, it's how the Kerbals see your space program, so it's solely the public opinion. What I miss here is a impact on the game, like more Kerbals applying or even better Kerbals applying (which would require traits to matter). Company espionage isn't something I'd like to see in the game, it creates a hostile environment unfit for KSP.

I can agree with the corporate espionage portion, it's just an idea that illustrates what could be done with interactions amongst multiple companies with individual rep systems.

I had the thought last night, regarding the rep system, that perhaps removing the "general" reputation wouldn't have the desired effects. I kind of see it the same way, that the reputation is how the Kerbals see the program.

What I think is more in-line with what I was thinking is leaving the general reputation intact and as-is; this would be the populace. Each company could still get their own reputation factor with the player's program.

The impact of raised or lowered reputation with each company could vary widely, from simple things like higher probability to get a contract with that company (or lower...), probability to get the ability to test things further down the tech tree (it seems, from what I've seen, that currently prototypes are only one step out, maybe two, from your current progress... though I may be wrong), changes in what they are willing to pay you for your testing services, and so on.

If dynamic reskinning (I know some mods do this, but its another example :D) were to be integrated, perhaps certain levels of reputation with a company would allow a player to add the company logo to a part, or apply a custom texture, representing your achievement with the company. Just a couple ideas.

A newsticker would be cool, and would definitely accomplish part of what I am after there. I like the idea of a newspaper or something similar, because of the ability to be pushed to front-page (or back!) page news by your actions. Just another little thing that monitors performance and progress, and gives a subtle, non-game breaking reward for doing well.

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IMO newspapers should work this way

High rep: A Kerbal walked on the Mun yesterday! This is hardly surprising considering achievements in the past etc.

Low rep: A Kerbal walked on the Mun yesterday! Jebediah was delivered by an agency which has become infamous for its indifference to kerbal loss of life

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If something like I wrote in my blog would be implemented, newspaper would be a great addition - a Legend of Kerbalkind loses his life during a crash, this would be big news (front page, and depending on your reputation written in different ways), kill a rookie this would be last page (or so). High reputation should not really be an indicator for technological progress, but for the actions of your company, more like:

High rep on achievement: First Kerbal on the Mun: Famous Jebediah Kerman safely landed

Low rep on achievement: First Kerbal on the Mun: Suicidal ride down for beloved Jebediah Kerman

High rep on loss: Shocked faces at KSC - Legendary Jebediah Kerman died in tragical accident!

Low rep on loss: Botching at KSC - Legendary Jebediah Kerman killed due to shoddy security systems

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