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[1.9-1.10] Hangar


[b]Do you use the [u]Desaturated Texture Pack?[/u][/b]  

328 members have voted

  1. 1. [b]Do you use the [u]Desaturated Texture Pack?[/u][/b]

    • Yes, the grey textures are more stock-like
    • No, the green-orange textures are fine

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There's a new version of KSPAPIExtensions - one in your download is the previous version, just FYI.

Yep, thanks! I know already, but the previous version of KAE works with 0.90 (I've checked) and the new version came out a little later than I updated the Hangar. And assembly election mechanism should disable it anyway (if another one is used by some other mod). So if it causes no trouble (?) I would rather leave it like that until the next release.

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Yep, thanks! I know already, but the previous version of KAE works with 0.90 (I've checked) and the new version came out a little later than I updated the Hangar. And assembly election mechanism should disable it anyway (if another one is used by some other mod). So if it causes no trouble (?) I would rather leave it like that until the next release.

Yeah, don't think it causes any problems - just the little popup that says "hey! you have an outdated version!" on startup. Just thought I'd mention in case you hadn't seen the KSPAPI update - turns out you had!

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Wonderful mod mate, discovered this today on Kerbal Stuff, and love the Lander Hangar so much alreadyyyyy and can scale!

Fantastic, Playing around with this some more and give some more feedback/ideas :)

Thanks) Would appreciate the feedback.

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I just installed this mod on my 0.90 install but seem to have a conflict somewhere, basically none of the right-click menus work.


Hoping someone can point me in the right direction for rectifying this, there's so much I want to do with this mod!!!

Here's my GameData folder, quite a lot of mods:


Grateful for any assistance.

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I just installed this mod on my 0.90 install but seem to have a conflict somewhere, basically none of the right-click menus work.


Hoping someone can point me in the right direction for rectifying this, there's so much I want to do with this mod!!!

Here's my GameData folder, quite a lot of mods:

Grateful for any assistance.

That means the Hangar.dll was not loaded by KSP. It is indeed looks like a mod conflict (btw, you have Hangar-2.0.1, right?), but I need to see the logs to tell more. Please, double check the version of the Hangar and if it is indeed the 2.0.1 send me the Player.log somehow (pastebin, gdrive, dropbox, etc.).

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That means the Hangar.dll was not loaded by KSP. It is indeed looks like a mod conflict (btw, you have Hangar-2.0.1, right?), but I need to see the logs to tell more. Please, double check the version of the Hangar and if it is indeed the 2.0.1 send me the Player.log somehow (pastebin, gdrive, dropbox, etc.).

Thank you for the response, it is indeed 2.0.1 I have installed (via CKAN).

Found this in the KSP.log:

[ERR 06:49:34.715] AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'Hangar': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.
at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)
at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Additional information about this exception:

System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'AtHangar.HangarProceduralAdapter' from assembly 'Hangar, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

I've uploaded the complete log file here:


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Thank you for the response, it is indeed 2.0.1 I have installed (via CKAN).

I'm not familiar with the CKAN; and while I don't really suspect it to be the culprit, it won't hurt to try to reinstall the mod using the archive from GitHub or KerbalStuff. Meanwhile I need more information about why the HangarProceduralAdapte could not be loaded. Such information is usually contained inside the output_log.txt which is a log that Unity engine itself writes. On Windows it is located inside the KSP installation folder: {KSP}\KSP_x64_Data\output_log.txt

Please, upload it as well.

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Having the same problem.

I also happen to be using ckan to install my mods, with the nice side effect that I don't spend as much time installing mods as playing ksp.

output_log.txt extracts (whole file link, likely to be overwritten sometime in the future)

Non platform assembly: D:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Hangar\Plugins\Hangar.dll (this message is harmless)

AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'Hangar': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.

at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)

at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Additional information about this exception:

System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'AtHangar.HangarProceduralAdapter' from assembly 'Hangar, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

(and a while later)

Non platform assembly: D:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ksp-advanced-flybywire\XInputDotNetPure.dll (this message is harmless)

AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'ksp-advanced-flybywire': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.

at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)

at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Additional information about this exception:

System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'KSPAdvancedFlyByWire.AdvancedFlyByWire' from assembly 'ksp-advanced-flybywire, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

So whatever it is, it's affecting






Interestingly, similar errors are found in http://howling-coyote.org/ksp/UKSMASEC/KSP.log which dates itself from July (.23.5), affecting

- ExsurgentEngineering

- HydraEngineController

- SCANsatKethane


Edited by MaHuJa
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Found it!

Here's what's going on.

When you

ckan install Hangar

it will install hangar as well as pull in its dependencies ModuleManager and KAE (KSP API Ext)

However, the KAE dll is then stored as GameData\KSPAPIExt\Plugins\KSPAPIExtensions.dll rather than GameData\Hangar\Plugins\KSPAPIExtensions.dll

Copying it there makes it work. In the case of KAE it's preventing multiples from conflicting, so that's not a problem. (As opposed to module manager.)

So, as far as fixes go... either of

a) The ckan install needs to include the KAE dll in the hangar directory

B) The hangar dll needs to check for the assembly not the file

In this instance, A is a possible solution because KAE handled deduplication on its own.

How hard is it for you to do B?

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Having the same problem.

I also happen to be using ckan to install my mods, with the nice side effect that I don't spend as much time installing mods as playing ksp.

output_log.txt extracts (whole file link, likely to be overwritten sometime in the future)

So whatever it is, it's affecting






Interestingly, similar errors are found in http://howling-coyote.org/ksp/UKSMASEC/KSP.log which dates itself from July (.23.5), affecting

- ExsurgentEngineering

- HydraEngineController

- SCANsatKethane


I also have AFBW and TweakScale, although I had removed TweakScale to see if that was causing the issue, but both of them were functioning within KSP.

I'm going to try removing it with CKAN in a few minutes and re-installing by hand to see if that has anything to do with it although I'd be hard pressed to know what if so.

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Found it!

Here's what's going on.

When you

ckan install Hangar

it will install hangar as well as pull in its dependencies ModuleManager and KAE (KSP API Ext)

However, the KAE dll is then stored as GameData\KSPAPIExt\Plugins\KSPAPIExtensions.dll rather than GameData\Hangar\Plugins\KSPAPIExtensions.dll

Copying it there makes it work. In the case of KAE it's preventing multiples from conflicting, so that's not a problem. (As opposed to module manager.)

So, as far as fixes go... either of

a) The ckan install needs to include the KAE dll in the hangar directory

B) The hangar dll needs to check for the assembly not the file

In this instance, A is a possible solution because KAE handled deduplication on its own.

How hard is it for you to do B?

Whoops! Didn't notice your latest post before I made mine... that makes sense about the DLL, I'll try it too and report back.

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Yep! That was it, thanks for sharing MaHuJa!

Now that I've gotten it to work I went ahead and obliterated my KSP 0.90 install and started afresh without CKAN. After fixing the issue by copying the DLL as you suggested I went on to update some mods through it, the install process generated an exception and didn't complete. I think I'll stick to the old fashioned method for the moment!

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Found it!

Here's what's going on.

When you

ckan install Hangar

it will install hangar as well as pull in its dependencies ModuleManager and KAE (KSP API Ext)

However, the KAE dll is then stored as GameData\KSPAPIExt\Plugins\KSPAPIExtensions.dll rather than GameData\Hangar\Plugins\KSPAPIExtensions.dll

Copying it there makes it work. In the case of KAE it's preventing multiples from conflicting, so that's not a problem. (As opposed to module manager.)

So, as far as fixes go... either of

a) The ckan install needs to include the KAE dll in the hangar directory

B) The hangar dll needs to check for the assembly not the file

In this instance, A is a possible solution because KAE handled deduplication on its own.

How hard is it for you to do B?

Thanks a lot!

That's what I thought after examining the logs.

It's CKAN's problem, as KAE dll (according to KAE docs) should be bundled with the mode that uses it. As you can see from your logs it's a common practice:


What is strange, is that I don't see the Hangar\Plugins\KSPAPIExtensions.dll; but it should be there, as it is included in every release. So, apparently, CKAN is stripping KAE dll on installation.

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Now that you're explicit enough about what you mean, I agree.

A side-by-side comparison shot of some representative parts would be good.

I want to clarify things a bit:

1) The Desaturated Pack is just a set of the same textures you see in the mod with colors removed (with the exception of warning strips, orange door handles and such).

2) I, obviously, prefer the colored textures. Thus I have no intention to advertise the grey set, which is provided solely because some users have said that they don't like the colors.

3) Consequently, the poll tries to divide the users into those who already use the grey set, because they totally don't like the colors, and those who consider colors good enough, not bothering themselves with trying the grey set. I deliberately wish to keep people, who want to try both and decide which is better, a minority.

So, if you're using the mod and the colors do not annoy you, you may honestly answer "No, I don't use the pack", because that's exactly what's happening.

All in all, the discussion shows that I've designed the poll poorly and need to reformulate it.

[uPD] Alas, it seems I don't have the means to edit (or close, or delete) the poll. Is it to hang over there forever? ;.;

Edited by allista
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I haven't used this mod before, so I'm not entirely certain this is a bug (it could just be a mistake on my part), but I can't get hangars to work. I tried first with CKAN (and ran into the DLL-bug mentioned earlier in the thread), then I deleted it and manually installed Hangar 2.0.1 and got it partially working. I can now put stuff into the hangar (in the VAB), but I can't get it back out.


Hangar.dll and KSPAPIExtensions.dll are both in Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Hangar\Plugins, here are some logs:



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I haven't used this mod before, so I'm not entirely certain this is a bug (it could just be a mistake on my part), but I can't get hangars to work. I tried first with CKAN (and ran into the DLL-bug mentioned earlier in the thread), then I deleted it and manually installed Hangar 2.0.1 and got it partially working. I can now put stuff into the hangar (in the VAB), but I can't get it back out.


Hangar.dll and KSPAPIExtensions.dll are both in Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Hangar\Plugins, here are some logs:



You have encountered the bug caused by the ScienceAlert that was already discussed here. But according to SA's changelog it was fixed in v1.8.1, so I haven't mentioned it in Known Issues. But, obviously, the bug reemerged in 1.8.2 (maybe because of the 0.90 API changes) and is still there in 1.8.3 as I've just checked. Unfortunately there's nothing I can do about it: on Hangar's side the bug happens upon calling an API method, it's not in my code.

I'll inform SA's developer about the issue.

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ScienceAlert or no, the current version of Hangar appears to mess up the science and biome system of KSP. If you deploy a probe from a ship named "HangarShip" with a hangar, and then check which biome the probe is in (using mechjeb, scansat or other mod, or just by doing a biome-sensitive science experiment), the biome will read as the name of the ship which the probe was deployed from. From that point on, the probe is stuck in this nonexistent glitch-biome, wherever you might take it. Obviously the probe's state has become corrupted somehow by being deployed from the hangar.

What is worse, even if you completely get rid of the hangar "mothership", the probe will be stuck in the biome it created, and if you at that point shut down KSP, uninstall Hangar, and then restart KSP and load the saved game with the probes, the game will enter a completely glitched-out state where nothing will happen if you click most of the KSC facilities, none of the buttons in the main menu will work, and if you enter the science facility (one of the few that responds when clicked upon), you can't get back out from it again. Your only way out is to force-close KSP. Reinstalling Hangar again is the only way to get the corrupted save file to work. Getting rid of the corrupted probe might fix the savegame so it will work even without Hangar installed, but I have not verified this.

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