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Apple(iOS) vs Samsung(Android)


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You can change an iPhones battery for less than 20$ and anyone can do it with a 5$ kit(included in that 20$)

Riight. So you're sitting in the club with your friends and notice that your phone is dead. You're gonna whip out your backup battery and... do what, exactly? Perform open-phone surgery on the bar??

Suppose I wanted to upgrade the battery in my iPhone to 7,000 mAH. How much is the tool kit for that?



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You can change an iPhones battery for less than 20$ and anyone can do it with a 5$ kit(included in that 20$)

Amazing, I can do the same thing for a samsung for half as much and doesn't require any special tools. What exactly are you trying to get at? That the iPhone is unnecessarily complicated and costs twice as much? Congrats, mission accomplished.

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Amazing, I can do the same thing for a samsung for half as much and doesn't require any s̶p̶e̶c̶i̶a̶l̶ tools. <---edited What exactly are you trying to get at? That the iPhone is unnecessarily complicated and costs twice as much? Congrats, mission accomplished.

Heck, that's not even a Samsung thing. That's just an electronics-with-batteries thing. I've never owned a cell phone that had to be disassembled just to change the freakin' battery and I hope I never have to. It's always been a simple 4 step process.

1) pop open battery compartment

2) pop out old battery

3) pop in fresh battery


4) click shut battery compartment

How did anybody get the idea in their head after all these years that this doesn't make perfect sense? Yeah... the battery in an iPhone *can* be replaced. So can the human heart.

/rhetorical question

//iPhone 7: Now with removable battery, micro USB charging cable, and IR Blaster! :D


Edited by GoSlash27
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To be entirely far, some electronics have their battery compartments secured with a screw to prevent accidental opening. Also, some other electronics require some arcane manipulations to open the back cover without damaging anything. *glares at own tablet PC*

I rather doubt either of the required tools (case 1: teeny screwdriver, case 2: flat plastic thingy) are worth 5$ though.

Edited by Sean Mirrsen
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To be entirely far, some electronics have their battery compartments secured with a screw to prevent accidental opening. Also, some other electronics require some arcane manipulations to open the back cover without damaging anything. *glares at own tablet PC*

I rather doubt either of the required tools (case 1: teeny screwdriver, case 2: flat plastic thingy) are worth 5$ though.

Tru 'dat, and Apple's not alone on this (sadly).

If it has to be disassembled to get the battery out, that's a deal breaker for me.



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Spacexray, what's your opinion on phone/camera hybrids with dedicated optical zoom like the Galaxy Camera?

That's no longer a phone. If you are a photographer get a proper DSLR, don't try to be famous with a Galaxy camera thingy.

Here is a good iPhone 6 Plus and S5 comparison video:

Oh, and here is an article about how the iPhone 6's just became the most top-selling smartphones on 2014, by selling 10 million in 3 days.


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Oh, and here is an article about how the iPhone 6's just became the most top-selling smartphones on 2014, by selling 10 million in 3 days.


It's the top-selling single model (well, two models). Android devices will continue to outsell iOS devices, as they have for the last few quarters. It's misleading to look at single models, because the whole point of an open ecosystem like Android's is that many models are available filling many market niches.

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Riight. So you're sitting in the club with your friends and notice that your phone is dead. You're gonna whip out your backup battery and... do what, exactly? Perform open-phone surgery on the bar??

Suppose I wanted to upgrade the battery in my iPhone to 7,000 mAH. How much is the tool kit for that?



Wow it is amazing how narrow-minded people can be.

Just get a portable battery bank! I got a 10000mAh one on me for long trips, that is enough to charge my phone 5~ times.

Have you ever seen a person BUY a 2nd battery for their S4/S5 and replace it while standing somewhere in public, trying to hold both the phone and the back panel and the batteries simultaneously? I bet it looks more comical than just plugging you iPhone into a portable universal power bank.

And stop being so biased-a phone doesn't become better just because it has *slightly better battery life.

Just live with it-the iPhone became a cult phone 7 years ago. Apple has the most experience because they pretty much invented the modern smartphone which is supposed to be easy to use. Samsung and LG should stick to TV's and refrigerators, and Google should stop trying.

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Apple has the most experience because they pretty much invented the modern smartphone which is supposed to be easy to use. Samsung and LG should stick to TV's and refrigerators, and Google should stop trying.

Google should stop trying when they're outselling Apple? Why?

Experience only gets you so far. Just look at Blackberry, who had a dominance of the smartphone market that any current manufacturer would envy but threw it away by resting on their laurels and failing to keep up.

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I just don't get it, there's no need to bash one or the other. As long as they sell their phones these two companies will exist and have their right to do so. Nobody is forced to buy one or the other. Buy and use what you like. As we are all individuums everyone of us have their own opinions about what we like or not. There's no need to fight about it. :D


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I just don't get it, there's no need to bash one or the other. As long as they sell their phones these two companies will exist and have their right to do so. Nobody is forced to buy one or the other. Buy and use what you like. As we are all individuums everyone of us have their own opinions about what we like or not. There's no need to fight about it. :D


Good point. Not only that, but we have all benefited from the fierce competition between them as it drives improvements of both products. May they both be competitive for a long time...

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Good point. Not only that, but we have all benefited from the fierce competition between them as it drives improvements of both products. May they both be competitive for a long time...

I would stay calm, but it is just terrible when people bash Apple for nothing. I can say the same about us Apple "fanboys".

No, we just joined the Apple shp early, we have reasons to love Apple for. We love Apple for caring about its customers, we love Apple for making their products easy to use, developing only a small range of products, but concentrating on them more. Apple was at the brink of disappearing in the end of the 20th century, but Jobs came back and put the company back in shape.

Google isn't bad. In fact, I love their maps and search engine. I even use gmail! I love how they all interact. I also love Google Chrome because it it one amazing browser. But I hate it when Google "invades" youtube. I hate google for making android-originally a copycat of iOS. Heck, Microsoft copied Apple's GUI back in the 70's and 80's too. But Google still stays a good company.

Samsung is also a good company. They make good TV's and other home appliances, but they know nothing about making the perfect smartphone. Their market strategy is:

1. Copying Apple

2. After an Apple reveal, make something identical and add a few extra features like a stylus and an IR emitter that never works.

3. Bash Apple with stupid commercials aimed at showing minor flaws in Apple;s products, instead of showing what your product can do that makes it unique.

4. Make a "water-resistant" phone which might not survive water and then say that you don't hold any responsibility if it actually leaks.

5. Profit???Nope, a bunch of returned phones and users who switched to Apple :)

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Copying Apple? Sorry, but could you tell me one feature of the iPhone 6 that didn't exist before in competing phones? If you dislike Google for copying Apple, you should also dislike Apple for copying Google.

Sure: 240 FPS video, Touch ID(Apple had it first), hand-off, landscape mode, M8 motion processor, iPhone 6 is still thinner than S5 or any smartphone really. You should also remember the curved edges of the iPhone 6...

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And you've returned to rambling about 'copying apple'. You realise we won't forget about apple copying the smartwatch and phablet concepts just because you didn't mention them for one post?

The iPhone 6 is integrated with the OS very well. The Smartwatch was such a hit because it Apple-Apple takes a good idea which was poorly executed by other companies because of all the over-complicated things they did with them. Apple changed the way we think about music, computers and phones. Now they are changing the way we think about watches. If you claim that Android wear is so "good", how come I haven't seen a single person wear one?

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Care to try responding to what I actually wrote? Samsung shouldn't copy apple concepts, but it's alright for apple to copy concepts from android manufacturers because...

Because Apple will always do the job better than anyone else. Period.

I tried using the crappy Galaxy note, and the IR emitter wouldn't even work lol.

The guy who let me use it didn't even know it had a stylus, this proves there is no need for one, which is why Apple refused them a long time ago.

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