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Apple(iOS) vs Samsung(Android)


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It is funny how desperate Samsung is claiming Apple "copied" bigger screens.

It's not an invention, it's just a feature. Lets sue every company that made a 32 inch TV other than Samsung.

Now Samsung copied multitouch back in 2010 and they don't even mention it.

Did Samsung ever get 4 million pre-orders in a day? Nope. Just admit it-Samsung is desperately trying to keep up by mocking Apple in a bunch of stupid ads and memes. That is all they are good at-making ads that mock others and with such a cheesy-sounding narrator you just want to punch him in the face.

So yeah Samsung, LG, Google-thank Apple for bringing multitouch and killing styluses.

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Are you going to actually respond to my post at all? If apple always do the job better than else, why did they make complete failures like Pippin and Lisa?

Why did Samsung makes such a failure like Galaxy S5?

Everyone is exchanging their S5'S for iPhones right now because the S5 lags(thanks 2 more cores than Apple and twice as more RAM).

Apple can do magic with only 1 Gb of RAM. My 5s hasn't crashed a single time and never lags.

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Why did Samsung makes such a failure like Galaxy S5?

Care to point out anyone outside of your head that considers the S5 a failure? EDIT: Even if we pretended it was, this still isn't an actual response to anything in my post.

Edited by Kryten
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Apple can "do magic" the same way the technowizards in the late days of SNES did magic. They can control what the device and the OS do together, so they can push little tricks out of it. That still doesn't change the fact that it's a SNES. I mean iPhone.

I haven't used either the iPhone (any iPhone), or any of the Samsung phones more modern than the... er... SGH-D840? I mostly come at this from a less attached angle. The iPhone... is just a phone. A fancy, distinctly overpriced, and profoundly overhyped phone. There is nothing that it does, that it does significantly better than any reasonably contemporary smartphone, to warrant treating it as some kind of ultimate smartphone. Same can be said of the latest Samsung, mostly, but at least I hardly ever see Samsung phone owners treating them as something special. Samsung, LG, Lenovo, it hardly matters. It's a phone, it works, it takes pictures, plays videos, and browses the Net. If you weren't a cheapskate when you picked it, it also has GPS and enough battery life to last through the day. Honestly, I can't imagine somebody wanting their phone to do more, when better specialized devices for those specific things can be bought for less than a jack-of-all-trades flagshipmonger, phone price included.

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Wow it is amazing how narrow-minded people can be.

Just get a portable battery bank! I got a 10000mAh one on me for long trips, that is enough to charge my phone 5~ times.

Have you ever seen a person BUY a 2nd battery for their S4/S5 and replace it while standing somewhere in public, trying to hold both the phone and the back panel and the batteries simultaneously? I bet it looks more comical than just plugging you iPhone into a portable universal power bank.

And stop being so biased-a phone doesn't become better just because it has *slightly better battery life.

Point #1:

Carrying an extra battery and swapping it in a phone *designed* for that is not "narrow minded", it's common sense. Feel free to lug around your "battery bank" all day if that's your preference.

Point #2: Tripling the use time of today's smart phones isn't *slightly* better, it fixes a major problem that many manufacturers (including Apple) got wrong: You can't have a pocket sized miracle device that replaces all your other electronic devices if it won't run all day every day without worrying about when and where you're gonna recharge it. My phone does that and yours doesn't.

But you know... this isn't really about my phone or yours. It's really about *you*. Personally. Your post #216 in this thread uses the words "love" and "hate" so many times, I lost count. I don't think that's accidental.

Your entire argument is emotionally driven, without a shred of reason or intellectual honesty. You "love" Apple. We know. We get it.

But the iPhone is just.... a freakin' phone! It's got some advantages and some disadvantages, just like everything else out there. You shop around and pick whatever what works best for you.

iPhones are alright... but not the best for my needs. And I don't see where they've broken any new ground with their latest offerings. The 6 and 6+ are year old tech in the current marketplace. Can you think of *anything* that the iPhone 6 is offering that other phones on the market don't already have? I mean... excluding Apple's older offerings, of course?

I can't, and that's not me insulting your boyfriend or anything... I'm just telling it the way I see it.



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Because Apple will always do the job better than anyone else. Period.

I tried using the crappy Galaxy note, and the IR emitter wouldn't even work lol.

The guy who let me use it didn't even know it had a stylus, this proves there is no need for one, which is why Apple refused them a long time ago.

Wait wait wait. It is ok for Apple to copy off of Samsung because they always do a better job, but it isn't ok for Samsung to copy of Apple? That's special pleading if I have ever saw it.

With your point about the stylus, are you saying that it is bad that Samsung gave people the option of useing a stylus if that's what they prefered? What's wrong with that?

Oh and SpaceXray, it would go a long way to help your case if you stopped calling the phones crappy, it just makes you sound more emotional. Not only that but I'm beginning to think you are presupposing here.

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Apple can "do magic" the same way the technowizards in the late days of SNES did magic. They can control what the device and the OS do together, so they can push little tricks out of it. That still doesn't change the fact that it's a SNES. I mean iPhone.

I haven't used either the iPhone (any iPhone), or any of the Samsung phones more modern than the... er... SGH-D840? I mostly come at this from a less attached angle. The iPhone... is just a phone. A fancy, distinctly overpriced, and profoundly overhyped phone. There is nothing that it does, that it does significantly better than any reasonably contemporary smartphone, to warrant treating it as some kind of ultimate smartphone. Same can be said of the latest Samsung, mostly, but at least I hardly ever see Samsung phone owners treating them as something special. Samsung, LG, Lenovo, it hardly matters. It's a phone, it works, it takes pictures, plays videos, and browses the Net. If you weren't a cheapskate when you picked it, it also has GPS and enough battery life to last through the day. Honestly, I can't imagine somebody wanting their phone to do more, when better specialized devices for those specific things can be bought for less than a jack-of-all-trades flagshipmonger, phone price included.

One minor point... I use my device to replace all the other portable electronics I used to have (or would've had but don't need). Tablet PC, GPS receiver, pocket calculator, guitar tuner, TV remote, MP3 player, IPSC timer, e-reader, portable gaming system, etc, etc.

They're extremely handy for this role (and nearly all phones can do this nowadays)... but it needs to have lots of battery life to be convenient.



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Wait wait wait. It is ok for Apple to copy off of Samsung because they always do a better job, but it isn't ok for Samsung to copy of Apple? That's special pleading if I have ever saw it.

With your point about the stylus, are you saying that it is bad that Samsung gave people the option of useing a stylus if that's what they prefered? What's wrong with that?

Oh and SpaceXray, it would go a long way to help your case if you stopped calling the phones crappy, it just makes you sound more emotional. Not only that but I'm beginning to think you are presupposing here.

He doesn't *have* a case. He's just doing his obnoxious "fanboi" schtick and acting like everybody's bashing his beloved "AppleCorp" when they don't fawn over iPhones. *shrug*

/may as well save yourself the trouble



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Setting aside the "apple/ samsung" thing, has anyone seen the LG G3's display?

Holy schnikeys, Yo! If you haven't seen it yet, you gotta go check one out.

That thing is all-around one heckuva piece of machinery. Removable back, battery, and expandable micro SD memory and *really* good specs all the way around.

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As a student, both of those are outside of the amount I'd want to spend on a phone. I don't really see why you'd need something much more than a Moto E anyway; there seems to be little real added capability beyond 3d games, which tend to be terrible regardless due to interface issues.

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As a student, both of those are outside of the amount I'd want to spend on a phone. I don't really see why you'd need something much more than a Moto E anyway; there seems to be little real added capability beyond 3d games, which tend to be terrible regardless due to interface issues.

Well... this is why there are so many different phones out there. :D

In my case, I use mine as a multimedia viewer, pocket-sized multitasking tablet, mp3 player with a huge library, and e-reader. This requires a display with serious resolution and lots of storage. I also use it for gaming, so that means lots of processing power. And since I use it for so many other functions, it means it's in nearly constant use. This requires lots of battery.

Not knocking your needs or your choice. There's lots of options at a lot of price points and capabilities, and that's a good thing.



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I think someone earlier said that the Note 4 has a 7 Ah battery. Is that true? I'm looking at the specs right now and it shows 3.2 Ah.

No, Sir. That's a misunderstanding. My *current* phone (galaxy S3) has a 7 Ah battery.


These high capacity batteries are available for the Samsung Galaxy, Nokia Lumina, and LG Optimus.



Edited by GoSlash27
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No, Sir. That's a misunderstanding. My *current* phone (galaxy S3) has a 7 Ah battery.


These high capacity batteries are available for the Samsung Galaxy, Nokia Lumina, and LG Optimus.



That site also lists 10Ah batteries for the Note 3, so I'm assuming there will be something similar for the Note 4 as well.

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