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Apple(iOS) vs Samsung(Android)


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They might also make one for the Note Edge, it would really need it. Although I wish the ZeroLemon people luck in figuring out how to make a case for that one. :P The Edge is a neat idea with good merit, but it offers some hurdles to things like damage resistance and case making. If the curved screen were a separate piece, so that damaging it would not require replacing the main screen (sort of like a crumple zone for the main screen, hehe), then it would be more practical. As is, it's neat and useful, but seems like it'll lower the overall endurance of the phone.

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Ohhh ok. I thought that meant you bought a replacement battery that wasn't a case and you bought some kind of crazy energy density battery. I would love to see one for Oppo phones that supported rapid charging. Probably not but one can dream.

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This followup is also quite informative:

So, if someone doesn't carry a smartphone in a pants pocket, and he or she knows how to take care of said phone, that person should get whatever device is preferred. Otherwise, someone who carries a smartphone in a a pants pocket, or doesn't take care of the phone, should not get a larger iPhone. That's understandable.

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A tiny old iPhone might be ok, but the iPhone 6 Plus or Galaxy Note phones are a bit big and heavy for shirt pockets.

But do you always wear a shirt with pockets 100% of the time? I wear t-shirts most of the time and have been carrying my android phablets in my trouser pockets for years, even sitting on them in my back pockets, with no damage. People shouldn't need to change their clothing habits to adapt to a new phone. The "you're carrying it wrong" sounds a lot like Apple's "your holding it wrong" during the iPhone 4 reception debacle. If a phone gets permanently damaged after 2 weeks of everyday normal use, then it has a design flaw. Telling people not to carry a phone in their pockets is a pretty big restriction.

Edited by Nibb31
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Good questions/ comments on using shirt pockets. All my shirts have pockets, inc. my pullover shirts. I like shirt pockets. The reason my smartphone has never fallen out of my pocket (even when hiking, panning, etc.) is that the wrap-around case is rubberized. Try using that kind of case and you may find a shirt pocket to be quite secure from falling out issues.

As to weight and size of the smartphone, that's never been a problem for me as far as shirt pockets go. But I can see that depending on where/ how one carries a phone, it could be a deciding factor on what brand or size phone to get.

Edit: nobody is telling anyone how to carry their smartphone. But for me, the weight and size of the phone is no issue and my carrying preference has never been a problem for me either. Your mileage (or meterage) may vary.

Edited by Dispatcher
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Why can't people get a case for their iPhone 6? That would solve the problem instantly.

What are the cases made of? Plastic? Then why doesn't Apple make the phone itself out of it? :P

Also, no it wouldn't, not this specific problem. The case would bend just as well as the phone, it offers little extra rigidity it just softens impacts and protects the surface. The metal of the phone would still get warm from being close to the body, and would still tend to retain its bent shape, and would still fail to return to its original shape if somebody tried to straighten it. More than likely, the phone would bend with the case, and when the pressure lets up it would pop out of it.

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What are the cases made of? Plastic? Then why doesn't Apple make the phone itself out of it? :P

Also, no it wouldn't, not this specific problem. The case would bend just as well as the phone, it offers little extra rigidity it just softens impacts and protects the surface. The metal of the phone would still get warm from being close to the body, and would still tend to retain its bent shape, and would still fail to return to its original shape if somebody tried to straighten it. More than likely, the phone would bend with the case, and when the pressure lets up it would pop out of it.

The issue is with flush mounted screens, no edge... that's what kills phones.What does every case have in common? It provides an raised edge around the perimeter of the screen, thus negating some of the impact damage.

But in terms of actual build of the phone chassis, I watched a video of someone explaining why the iPhone does it and several other brands don't. Apple uses just plain aluminum, it's flexible and soft. Other makers who aren't having issues with bending have a aluminum frame with magnesium support. It makes the phone rigid.

Edited by Capt.Joseph Kerbertson
Removed a sentence to make my point a tad clearer.
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Ok, i can see that the discussion is only about samsung (which is not a main phone of android os >_>) and iphones, but hey.

As i said before, i got myself a Sony xperia acro s, its waterproof, very very tough. And as iphones and samsungs are the most popular phones in the world, dont forget that popular things arent always better than unpopular ones. Take a look at my phone:

I hate that type of discussions like this one, it always gets people angry. Its the same as arguing about ps4 vs xbone, there are more types of people, those who like ps4 and the other ones like xbone or those who hate both.

To get back on the thread, read the news about sony, they are like "screw those super big resolution screens, the battery is more important", now they are creating the xperia z3 which is a normal two-day phone. :) Thats just my opinion, TheScareCake out.

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I don't really mind the battery of my phone. A 5s was enough for me and it only has a 1570 mAh battery. My Find 7 is on the way with a spare battery if I really need it. Thats almost 6000 mAh from two batteries. I like resolution and screen size on my phones. I also prefer when they don't bend in my pocket from normal use :P

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Ok, i can see that the discussion is only about samsung (which is not a main phone of android os >_>) and iphones, but hey.

I don't consider this to be a Samsung vs. Apple thread exclusively. iOS, Android, Windows, or Blackberry... all the different makes and models out there/ different end user needs. This gives us a reason to have an intelligent discussion and share our experiences... even if the OP actually intended this to be another Apple fanboi bash-fest.

As for the iPhone 6+ bending woes... I won't pile on. Hopefully this leads to new innovations across the board and doesn't scare Apple away from bigger screens.



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If you can bend an iPhone 6 that easily, why can't you bend it back just as easily???

That'd require you to bend the back outwards. You'd either have to take it off (voiding your warranty), or somehow bend the entire phone including the screen.

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If you can bend an iPhone 6 that easily, why can't you bend it back just as easily???

I actually see this as a new feature-elastic smartphones. You can curve them, roll them-even make a phone-plane out of them!

I pointed at the very informative video in my post. The reviewer who did the bend test for the iPhone 6+ tried to bend it back. Since the metal has its quirks and tends not to handle re-bending well, the frame warped at the bend point and cracked the screen.

You'd need to take the phone apart and carefully bend just the frame itself, straighten it out, then put everything back together.

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If you can bend an iPhone 6 that easily, why can't you bend it back just as easily???

I actually see this as a new feature-elastic smartphones. You can curve them, roll them-even make a phone-plane out of them!

Metal fatigue. Bend a piece of aluminium several times and it's going to break.

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I've got a Huawei Y300, which isn't a bad phone. It cost me a little over a hundred bucks and I've been using it daily for over a year. Games, music, internet, sketching... a little of everything. :)

I bought one of those two-part (soft cover with a hard structure over it) cases after buying it, and let me tell you, that telephone has seen some [redacted].

It once fell from my pocket while I was riding my bike, it has slipped from tables more times than I care to count, and I always carry it on my side pockets. It doesn't have a single scratch yet, and the best thing... it didn't bend after a week. :P

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