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Apple(iOS) vs Samsung(Android)


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Sorry for necro, but Samsung seems to have finally closed the deal for paying damages. The technology damages portion really is ridiculous; why is Apple suing Samsung instead of Google? And even so, Apple would have to sue the contributors of the Android project, not Google itself, for breaching patents. But I guess they are not willing to download Git and trudge through 150 GB worth of source, so we instead get a billion-dollar lawsuit over things that Samsung didn't even make.

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At the moment, I am sticking with Apple, but I do not care about this whole 'war' that is going on. That is because I don't like being involved in debates where I do not know every Sealand sized detail. Again, I know about some of the benefits of using Android, but I am more familiar with Apple devices.

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I'm on my Mac.  I play KSP on my Mac.  I develop iPhone apps, along with Mac applications.  I personally prefer Unity's port to mac over windows.  If you actually look at the official Unity things, you will find the majority of them using Mac.  Xcode is a much better IDE than any of the Windows things, etc.  I also prefer iOS because of its user-friendliness.

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Just to add my two cents - I really don't think most people care about what operating system their smartphone uses. Those who use smartphones just want something that is easy to use, doesn't suffer from a lot of errors, and something that does not drag. Nothing is worse than when the software updates for smartphone operating systems update to the extent that the smartphone's hardware does not respond well (even if the phone is only a year old).

I'm one that likes to squeeze every nickel out of my phone; the issue I have with both Apple and Android is the phone hardware is only compatible with the operating system software for about 18 months... meaning that before my two year contract is over, I must either fork out the cost of a new phone out of pocket OR simply use a phone that literally cannot operate efficiently with the new operating system software. I don't care if the new software is made by Fisher Price, as long as my phone lasts the entire two-year contract period - and still functions reasonably well, I'd be happy. And as a note, while Google's Android system is by far the worst about this, iOS also has had similar issues in the past...

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