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Refund funds for crafts that aren't loaded

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So I removed a mod, then loaded up KSP and my space-station core was unloaded. I put the mod back and went on the launchpad only to find out that the craft still wasn't loaded.

And I spent a lot of funds on that that weren't reload -.-

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I had this happen today. Luckily I had copied a backup of my persistence file before it happened. Always always always back-up your persistence files before removing mods. The vessels that aren't loaded appear to be removed from the persistence file, so they're gone gone gone.

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I don't think the game can give you a complete refund -- the mod part is missing, there is then no data on how much that part cost in the first place. It could give you refunds on all the other parts, though.

The game does need better handling of missing parts, though, even if it's just a prevention of you flying the craft until the mod is back in -- the craft itself could remain indefinitely, for you to terminate, if you so wished. I'm thinking that saved craft with mod parts could be handled by implementing a "dummy" part that is used in editors in place of the mod part, something easily recognisable, so you could replace it with something else, if you wished.

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the craft itself could remain indefinitely, for you to terminate, if you so wished.

As long as the vessel is on rails, size and weight of the part don't matter. Sounds easy enough. Not being able to fly it, too.

But what happens if the player gets close enough to bring it into physics range? I can't think of a solution that would be acceptable.

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