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RCS/Monopropellant SSTO

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After watching Scott Manleys latest video, it inspired me to create a working Monopropellant SSTO. I was thinking of a challenge where you build an SSTO or maybe even a huge multi stage Monopropellant only ship to land on the Mun or further out possibly? Id love to see it to get some great ideas. :D

Here was my best effort

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A monopropellant SSTO would be easy using O-10 engines. The atmospheric DV limit is 4,615 M/sec. It's just a matter of how much mass you want to orbit.

I don't know if a mono SSTO could out- perform a conventional rocket in terms of payload/ lifter mass, tho'. At least AFA small payloads. You can SSTO a Mk.1 can to LKO with a total vehicle mass of 10 tons using conventional propellant.

Likewise, you could employ conventional tanks and Vernor RCS thrusters. Worse Isp, but better wet/ dry ratio.



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Yeah I dont see it being better ever, It just blew my mind it was possible, smaller ones are possible too, just harder (for me) to pull off. Im just hoping to see some giant Monopropellant powered ships/landers!

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Tried to keep mine light but then I decided to use no sas so I just went straight up and made the biggest splash ever. But it still got to 227,000 metres high. I used the older rcs to make it harder and only 2 large mono tanks and just had to hit w and s quickly for 10 minutes.

Edited by LABHOUSE
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