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Animation Lag

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I am having an issue with an animation. I have done many animations and for some reason the most simple one ever, extending an antenna, is causing in game fps lag. There are no errors in the debug window or logs that I can see related to this. Once loading the craft the physics warp turns from green to yellow and there is noticeable fps drops. The only way to fix it seems to be deploying the retracting the antennas. The physics warp then goes back to green and all lag disappears. I remember this being an issue before with other mods, most specifically the JEM from the ISS pack but I can't figure out what is causing it or how to fix it.

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Still don't know what was causing this but after editing other parts of the model and re-exporting a dozen more times it seems to have magically fixed itself. I would've been nice to know what the issue was as I have seen it crop up several times before in other mods.

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Talisar have a similar issue with his cargo solution parts, this was due to colliders (duplicate and/or bad settings, look for in the thread for more info about this issue). Not sure it was the exact same issue as you but it may worth to take a look.

"magically" is always bad, what do you have exactly done to get the lag disappear ?

A good thing is to always plan a change, take note of it (being as much specific as possible), do the change, note the effect, and figure out the rule behind it.

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I don't know why is suddenly got fixed. I was working on parts of it completely unrelated to the animation and one of the times I was testing it I noticed it was no longer lagging. The animated parts don't have colliders as that was the first thing I ought of too.

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