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The Kerbal Preservation Agency


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Hello! if your kerbals (Kerbins? kerbians? help me out here!) are often dieing due to catastophic rocket failure, i can help.

Low (-1000m) survival

This is the most difficult area to get your kerbals back safely. You will just need some tips and common sence.

1: Kill your engines by pressing x. This allows for safe ejection without getting stuck on the rocket (You know, when it reattaches to you?) . If using solid fuel boosters, decouple and hope for the best.

2: MASH THE SPACE BAR! Emergency cycle through your stages. Remember a parachute!

3: Try to avoid smashing into your debris.

4: ? ? ?

5: Profit

High (+1000) survival

Basicly follow steps 1-5 above.

Hope this helped!

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Aside from most of the information being fairly common sense, decoupling still-burning SRB\'s is a very, very bad idea.

With the radial decoupler they are likely mounted to behaving the way they do, the SRB will nose inward and take out the rocket and everyone on board. A better option is to keep the nose above the horizon as long as you can, burning all engines to maximize altitude, cut liquid engines with X when the nose drops below altitude, and then jettison and drop stages as quickly as possible as soon as the SRB runs out of fuel.

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Aside from most of the information being fairly common sense, decoupling still-burning SRB\'s is a very, very bad idea.

With the radial decoupler they are likely mounted to behaving the way they do, the SRB will nose inward and take out the rocket and everyone on board. A better option is to keep the nose above the horizon as long as you can, burning all engines to maximize altitude, cut liquid engines with X when the nose drops below altitude, and then jettison and drop stages as quickly as possible as soon as the SRB runs out of fuel.

I still boot em\' off anyways.

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If you\'re willing to use mods, you can attach some retrorockets (several packs have them) to the SRBs, to propel them away from your ship, instead of directly into it.

Not sure about mods yet, but im thinking about them.

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