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[3 Aug] Bits and pieces for Karbonite

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I've put together a few configs and a basic custom Karbonite converter/generator creation kit that might be useful. Here are some links with short explanations

EPL configs for Karbonite

Configs that add the ability to convert Karbonite to Metal, and add converters to EPL parts that allow for a Karbonite -> Metal -> RocketParts production chain. These essentially allow the use of Karbonite instead of Ore and (probably) makes EPL production possible without Kethane or MKS.

Link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59567837/Karbonite_EPL-Patch.cfg (MM patch to add USI_Converter modules to EPL parts)

Link 2: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59567837/KarboniteConvert_EPL-Metal.cfg (MM patch to add Karbonite -> Metal conversion to the Karbonite 2.5m converter)

TweakScale configs for Karbonite

Please note the parts' scaletypes rely on the ExtendedScaletypes config, but you can easily change that if you want to.

The ExtendedScaletypes.cfg file provides handy new scaletype definitions you may or may not want to use for other applications as well: essentially lower-mass scaling (4.3x and 6x mass for 2x radius), extended stack scaling definitions (normal or lower-mass), and my own personal preference for Surface-type scaling. Will not interfere with standard TweakScale scaletypes (stack, surface).

Link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59567837/Karbonite_TweakScale.cfg

Link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59567837/ExtendedScaletypes.cfg

A ProceduralParts tank definition for Karbonite

The resulting tanks are is roughly equivalent in Karbonite per volume but slightly heavier overall than tanks included with Karbonite. Contains technology definitions that may or may not be appropriate.

Link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59567837/ProceduralKarbonite.cfg

A template for creating custom Karbonite Converter parts

With instructions! But no promises that they're good instructions. Choose your own inputs, outputs, part band colors, and efficiencies!

Link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59567837/CustomKarboniteExtractor%20%28v2%29.zip

Feedback is welcome! Hopefully they will be useful.

I gather that licensing information is necessary, so... License: you can do whatever you want with everything, but provide credit somehow if you redistribute/incorporate.

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I have thought of EPL things (which is quite a logical change), thanks you made it :).

Maybe you could add a readme and some more instructions (dependencies especially) because the bare files alone are a bit short + a working config for your converter as example for people who are not familiar with this.

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I have thought of EPL things (which is quite a logical change), thanks you made it :).

Maybe you could add a readme and some more instructions (dependencies especially) because the bare files alone are a bit short + a working config for your converter as example for people who are not familiar with this.

I'm not sure what you mean - there's a PDF with instructions in the custom converter ZIP and comments in the config files that more or less explain things. Or are you referring to the EPL/TweakScale config files?

The only dependencies are the mods for which the configs are made: Karbonite for the Karbonite converter, EPL + Karbonite for the EPL configs for Karbonite, TweakScale and Karbonite for the Karbonite TweakScale configs.

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