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[PLUGIN, PART, 0.15+] crxTelemetryMk2 Module alpha


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All good on my machine now:

(Filename: /Applications/buildAgent/work/b0bcff80449a48aa/Runtime/ExportGenerated/MacStandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 43)

[crxTelemetryLib.Transmitter]: Activate(): Invalid arguments

[telemetryModuleMk2]: Activated (forced)

It errored, (assuming it hit the reference like before, flipped over to the next one and I have data in my mono UDPReciever.exe


default options and on localhost lookup

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All good on my machine now:

(Filename: /Applications/buildAgent/work/b0bcff80449a48aa/Runtime/ExportGenerated/MacStandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 43)

[crxTelemetryLib.Transmitter]: Activate(): Invalid arguments

[telemetryModuleMk2]: Activated (forced)

It errored, (assuming it hit the reference like before, flipped over to the next one and I have data in my mono UDPReciever.exe


default options and on localhost lookup

Glad it works, thanks for the feedback!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Geebus Corax ... you just burnt up an hour of my life. >:(

I\'ve edited the cfg file down so it outputs


for ages and I\'ve got crxTelemetry scattered all over the universe for different reasons. I now want to include agl so I edit the cfg file. Load up my existing telemetry craft and check out ... no agl. :(

Check the cfg file again, maybe I missed something? Checked - nope - all good. Restart KSP. still not working. Did a reboot. Still not working. Check for plugin data. Nothing there. Check dll file date/time. Hmm. This should be easy. Modify cfg and off ya go but nothing is making my existing telemetry output different columns. ARG!!

* light bulb *

Surely he didn\'t put that info in the persistence file???!?!?!?

* face palm *

After an hour, I worked out that these columns are built into the ship, presumably upon launch. A quick search/replace of the persistence file and I\'m good to go. 8)

Thanks for that hunt and seek - you\'re a sly one ... ;)

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Geebus Corax ... you just burnt up an hour of my life. >:(

I\'ve edited the cfg file down so it outputs


for ages and I\'ve got crxTelemetry scattered all over the universe for different reasons. I now want to include agl so I edit the cfg file. Load up my existing telemetry craft and check out ... no agl. :(

Check the cfg file again, maybe I missed something? Checked - nope - all good. Restart KSP. still not working. Did a reboot. Still not working. Check for plugin data. Nothing there. Check dll file date/time. Hmm. This should be easy. Modify cfg and off ya go but nothing is making my existing telemetry output different columns. ARG!!

* light bulb *

Surely he didn\'t put that info in the persistence file???!?!?!?

* face palm *

After an hour, I worked out that these columns are built into the ship, presumably upon launch. A quick search/replace of the persistence file and I\'m good to go. 8)

Thanks for that hunt and seek - you\'re a sly one ... ;)

Sorry for the hunt, maybe I should have made it more clear exactly where the persistent data (hint, hint ;) ) is being stored... going to try and fix that.

I say in the OP that

How to use:

  • [li]The data fields are now stored with the rocket. [...]
    New rockets will use the configuration that was active on their launch, even if the part.cfg is changed later on.[/li]

but I admit that isn\'t very precise.

As you found out, editing the part.cfg only affects new modules pre-launchpad, once you have a flight scene, your 'flight' along with the current module configuration is stored to the persistence.sfs and quicksave.sfs thereafter. I\'ve tried to strike a balance between which options are saved with the module, and which are global for all modules; I\'ll also try and differentiate more clearly between the two in the next update. In the long run, I envision a graphical user interface in-game where you can configure each module individually.

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No worries. Im more curios why everything is not global with the cfg configurable at will? Do you have diff telems for different purposes? Was there a master plan?

On a different topic, what is this new sound you talk of in the OP?

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No worries. Im more curios why everything is not global with the cfg configurable at will? Do you have diff telems for different purposes? Was there a master plan?

I find that most of the time I want each individual ship/module to send individual data fields, but usually at the same data rate and formatting/comment options as the others. I usually use the same IP/Port for all, too, but I figured it might be handy to have different modules send to different receivers... so once I had the persistence part worked out, I decided to leave formatting options etc. global to quickly change those in one go.

On a different topic, what is this new sound you talk of in the OP?

'What' as in 'what\'s in the sound', or as in 'I haven\'t noticed any sound'?

The SFX are just simple audio indicators for module de-/activation and data transmission. There\'s no meaningful data in there to be decoded.

If you can\'t hear them (rising/falling sound on activation/deactivation, and a warbling sound during data transmission), make sure you have sounds activated in KSP (duh! ;)), and you are actually transmitting data, i.e. the telemetry module icon is green.

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'I see' and 'aye ...' in that order.

My telemetry icon was red ... which explains why there was no sound. ???

This mod is a staple for me and I have even gotten into graphing all the data streams in Excel yet ... :o

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  • 4 weeks later...

The SFX are just simple audio indicators for module de-/activation and data transmission.

I have the module configured to transmit just a few data fields at 1 transmission per second. It never produces the 'data transmission' sound nor deactivation sound, only the 'activation' sound once a second. Is it supposd to do that?

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I have the module configured to transmit just a few data fields at 1 transmission per second. It never produces the 'data transmission' sound nor deactivation sound, only the 'activation' sound once a second. Is it supposd to do that?

No, it should play [tt]crxTransmit.wav[/tt], you can find it in [tt]Parts/crxTelemetryMk2/sounds[/tt].

Would you mind attaching your modified part.cfg so I could give it a closer look?

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Here you go:

Thank you very much.

It\'s running as intended on my end. 1 sample/second actually one sample every two seconds, playing [tt]crxTransmit.wav[/tt]; I would have been really surprised if the part.cfg would have any influence on the sound played, but you never know... :)

Have you tried playing back the samples with an audio player, so you can definitely say what you are hearing from KSP is not the same as [tt]crxTransmit.wav[/tt]?

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Have you tried playing back the samples with an audio player, so you can definitely say what you are hearing from KSP is not the same as [tt]crxTransmit.wav[/tt]?

Yes i have. It\'s definitely crxActivate.wav.

Because it\'s rather loud i made my own kinder, gentler crxActivate.wav:

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Quite honestly, I\'m out of ideas. I don\'t see anything in the code that would make it play the activation sound instead, and I\'ve tried several configurations here (same/different PC as ground terminal, different .cfg variations, fresh install of KSP) all indicating everything working as intended.

Unless you accidentally overwrote [tt]crxTransmit.wav[/tt] when modifying the sound files, I can\'t find the cause for this weird behaviour.

What OS are you running on? Maybe there\'s a firewall or something breaking the data connection and causing a reactivate event with every packet; that\'s about the only other scenario I could imagine...

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Winxp32sp3 with win firewall and nod32. I turned it all off, no difference.

Made me think though: is the telemetry module supposed to be enabled/disabled via a popup menu (mine shows none)?

If no then i suppose the activate and deactivate sound should only play when i switch to and away from the craft?

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Winxp32sp3 with win firewall and nod32. I turned it all off, no difference.

Made me think though: is the telemetry module supposed to be enabled/disabled via a popup menu (mine shows none)?

If no then i suppose the activate and deactivate sound should only play when i switch to and away from the craft?

There\'s no popup menu; once a telemetry module is activated, it tries to send data as long as the part is active (i.e. on the current ship, or another ship/debris within ~2.5km).

There seems to be a glitch in Unity where all sounds are playing together at once when their vessel is 'loaded into position', that\'s what you would hear when you go to the launch pad or switch to a flight, after the physics simulation kicks in, but without your doing anything.

The only instances you would regularly hear the de-/activation sounds would be when you activate the module, when you switch vessels, or when you come into or leave the range of another telemetry module.

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The only instances you would regularly hear the de-/activation sounds would be when you activate the module, when you switch vessels, or when you come into or leave the range of another telemetry module.

That suggests it is possible to activate/deactivate the module other than switchting to/near or away from the craft - but i see no activation key defined in the cfg. Am i missing something?

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That suggests it is possible to activate/deactivate the module other than switchting to/near or away from the craft - but i see no activation key defined in the cfg. Am i missing something?

The only way to activate a module is via staging ('pressing the <space bar>'), i.e. you can put the module\'s icon on its own stage and activate it, or have it activate together with other parts on the same stage. Currently there is no way to deactivate it, other than destruction of the part, or by leaving the 'physics' range of the part, that is, decouple it from your ship and put some distance between you and it, or switch to a ship that is further away than 'physics' range. That distance is roughly two and a half kilometres at the moment, but I think Harvester has hinted at a possible increase in future versions of KSP.

In other words, you need to be within ~2.5km of any activated telemetry module for it to actually try and send data. Same vessel counts as being within that range, of course.

Because of the Unity glitch I mentioned earlier, the de-/activation and transmission sounds are played once, and all at once, when you come close to a telemetry module, active or not; 'close' in this case means some unknown and variable distance, I assume it depends on CPU load among other things. In my testing this 'activation glitch' could happen anywhere from about a kilometre down to a few hundred metres.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is this addon working with 0.16?

Because I\'m having some problems using it. I get the headings for the different values and the message with tells me it has turned on and off. But no actualy values for the rocket.

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Is this addon working with 0.16?

Because I\'m having some problems using it. I get the headings for the different values and the message with tells me it has turned on and off. But no actualy values for the rocket.

Technically it is still working, but some objects in KSP have changed, meaning the telemetry module throws lots of errors, probably to the point of slowing down KSP, so your best bet is to not activate any telemetry modules; it should be safe to put them on your rockets as long as they are inactive.

I haven\'t gotten around to it yet, but I hope to package an update within the next few days.

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