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Buran - Energija like launch system

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update: my semi-scale

buran - energija like launch system with a excess fuel :cool:

(download below)


version 1.01 with cargo bay ;)


version 0.99

start procedure:

1. ~10sec warm-up of jet engines

2. after "booster" decoupling, frist slightly orbiting maneuvers were needed

3. cut off jet engines with action group 1

reentring procedure:

1. decoupling LV-N Atomic in air (reduce weight)

2. action group 2 for reactivat jet engines

3. use jet power to find air port or nice green for landing (shuttle were capable gain altitude)

craft file:

https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B77tTCv1DutXR0g5WWgyS3pkcXc/edit 1.01 with cargo bay and spy sat.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B77tTCv1DutXRzNTQTVoQW1VSzA/edit?usp=sharing 0.99

some other pic`s




Edited by dark Jim
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never calculated it .. (ksp plugin needed?) ~1/3 of main rocket were still full + full LV-N shuttle

update: delat V atmo : 23712, vacum 19928, maybe corrupt ;) (ion spy sat+jet)

update 2: shuttle w.o. sat delta V atmo. ~ 23300 vac. 14400 (still corrupt?!)

Edited by dark Jim
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small update

buran with functional cargo hold and spy sat.

needs some updates a.t.m. to heavy for a jet glider ;)





gear inside cargo hold opens cargo bay, arm grabbing unit bevor launch! activate free pivot afte decouple

Edited by dark Jim
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