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Pod weight

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I come here, because every time, when building a manned space ship, something about the pods really irks me.

It's their sheer weight. (Note, I tend to build smaller space craft)

We currently have pods for one Kerbal and multiple coming in different flavors, as in with/without "heat shield", for space planes or rockets.

The problem is, aside from aesthetics, I see little reason to use the larger pods to transport multiple Kerbals into orbit or elsewhere, since for the weight of the MK1-2 command pod, I can lug around five MK1 pods and still have spare weight for more RCS/batteries and two extra Kerbals.

It's the same with the lander cans, a department, where one wants to save weight in order to pack more DV on long journeys.

So, is there a possibility of the pods being rebalanced to make the larger ones more useful?

In my opinion economy of scale should be a factor, since there's supposedly control and life support systems, as well as rcs tanks and doors as well as batteries that all have a certain weight. Most of these parts aren't needed twice or scale quite well when they get bigger.

I thank you for your time.

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Maybe the game will have life support in the future, or maybe the kerbals will go crazy and start killing each other, if we don't give them proper accommodation for long trips. We don't launch people into space in tiny one-man pods anymore, so maybe Squad will eventually give us real gameplay reasons for not using the one-kerbal pods beyond simple missions.

Until then, it's better to think the different command pods as a part of the mission description. Going somewhere in the big inefficient pods is a different mission from using a pile of small pods, just like landing on Tylo is a different mission from landing on Bop.

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I don't think the pod weight will be changed. I mean, bigger ships = bigger pod? Doesn't this make sense?

However, I agree with you that some pods should weigh less or at least adding new ones or maybe a little version of the Hitchhiker Storage Container. That would be great!

At this time, Squad doesn't seem to change anything part-related because as far as I know they are redoing the contracts from the 0.24 update.. someone correct me if I'm wrong.. because the current contracts are not in everyone's favor.


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