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Actually I can...


This picture was taken while stopped but the Anford's rotating turrets can fire while moving. This and submarines... I feel like Microsoft in 2002.

And now the iPads come out.

I stand corrected; your turrets are what I based mine off of, with the sunken attachment point.

BTW AWESOME PICTURE! did those missiles do any damage to the QEII? I've found turrets only really work against smaller craft; big ships still need big guided missiles to kill.

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something no one else can do - fire obliquely at flank speed.


Please. I need the craft file. And the Submarine :)

My new desktop pc has ARRIVED!!! I7 Intel 4790 with a generous 16gb of ram along with a gpu that NO ONE cares about :D (old)

I can now do things I could have never hoped to have achieved with my previous laptop. I was able to have 4 panther tanks face off without a single bit of lag with high end graphics mods.

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Please. I need the craft file. And the Submarine :)

My new desktop pc has ARRIVED!!! I7 Intel 4790 with a generous 16gb of ram along with a gpu that NO ONE cares about :D (old)

I can now do things I could have never hoped to have achieved with my previous laptop. I was able to have 4 panther tanks face off without a single bit of lag with high end graphics mods.

the sub and ship aren't for public consuption quite yet, but here's my T95 - designed to fight concrete bunkers :D Let's give those panthers a challenge.



The T95 was designed as a counter to the German heavy tanks during WW2. This tank is equipped with a flame gun (activated by pressing "2") and seats one kerbal on the commander's hatch, for repairing the tracks (It has two ladders in the back to get up and down). Decouple the kerbal's pod on the back once the Kerbal is at the seat.

Like the real tank, the T95 is not a speed demon. Do not exceed 15 m/s in a straight line, or turn at higher than 10 m/s or the tracks will start acting up/ break.


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I see someone plays world of tanks :)

For some reason the T92 Doomturtle runs less smoothly but the game speed is the same (somewhat increased actually)

How many parts can you simultaneously run without lag?

it's about 600 parts before physics slows down noticeably..... 1000+ before FPS becomes an issue.

EDIT: make sure to post pics of fighting it - i'm gonna test it too in a sec

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Well my Panthers can penetrate it (More importantly knock off the gun). Buuut the shells just lodge themselves in the armor and occasionally cause a physics jiggle with the outer armor plates.

Technically it would be a kill as the armament has been destroyed.

The internals were mostly undamaged.

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Well my Panthers can penetrate it (More importantly knock off the gun). Buuut the shells just lodge themselves in the armor and occasionally cause a physics jiggle with the outer armor plates.

Technically it would be a kill as the armament has been destroyed.

The internals were mostly undamaged.

yeah i thought the gun would be weak.... I could make it more durable, but then it would lose it's realistic look. I'll probably do that.

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Do you think you could make a (functional) M4 sherman comparable in size to my Panther? I really need an opposing tank force besides the shoddy T-34 (mini) light tanks I made almost a year ago.

I have one - old but probably works.



EDIT: I also updated the T-95 - the new gun should take more damage than the old one did, and i added more armor, so it's not historically accurate but tough as nails from the front.



Edited by zekes
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Ok, I've been seeing a lot of naval ships lately, we should have a separate naval battle aside from the current Duna battle going on. I need to upgrade the missiles on my Sub, or should I build my own ship? what do you think?

Edited by Zamovinar
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