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Naval Battle Club


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Thanks, Zamovinar, glad you like em. Its a shame the station went boom after the last patch :(. And, yes, I will be happy to enter a partnership with your company, I'm going to update my thread with some new ships soon, still tweaking.

Spartwo, where shall we set up and is hyperedit still acceptable? I was thinking about bringing 1 battle cruiser and 2 cruisers spread apart, what did you have in mind?

daemon, love that carrier, very Caldari. Also, finally got my hands on a Nautilus :)

@ Spacepigu: Hai!!!


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'Activates coastal batteries.'


*Hides in a Hardened Bunker and launches my new missile at you, hopes for the best*


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Take note this is what that missile can do. MY BEST HIT on Queen Elizabeth II (1 out of 3 shots, not bad! agile, easy to use and powerful)

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