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Mine is SRB powered, and I can actually hit targets with it....

And I couldn't? You forgot my hellfire and harpoon missiles.

We'll see when KP starts up. In the meantime, let's save our disinformation campaigns for the other chat.

Edited by andrew123
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Ok, first test: whack a kerbal:


Kleine Engel: .625 m torp

no damage

.625 m torp vs rebisco: no damage



1.25 m missile vs rebisco: upper armor ripped off, and more ripped armor


Time for a new ship!!!

Edited by Alphasus
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Ok, first test: whack a kerbal:


mass 15

velocity 100

size: 1.25

Only took off armor

Kleine Engel: deck

destroyed ship

center Sides vs whackakerbal


Kleine Engel: Heavily damaged, can sustain power and fire weapons.

OK Now for actual weapons

Kleine Engel: .625 m torp

no damage

.625 m torp vs rebisco: no damage

1.25 m missile vs rebisco: upper armor ripped off, and a ricochet

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Time for a new ship!!!1

Can you at least post some pics please? I am confused of what you are talking about.

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I have been inactive for three reasons: First, I have a nice desktop but a poor laptop, so when I am away from home for several weeks, as I am now, I have no good opportunity to do much of anything. Second, I rather burned myself out in my frenzy of construction about a month ago, where I produced an ~900-part capital ship almost every day; that is too much KSP in too little time, admittedly.

However, I believe the primary reason for my inactivity, and many others' besides, is that battling is simply no longer practical. Although people such as Spartwo disagree, I feel the current rules are outmoded and obsolete, as they were set forth in a time wherein well-constructed plate was half-invincible, capital ships were rare, and naval technology in general was minimally developed. As such, they are simply no longer sufficient for interesting combat, because with any good players' storage and weapon-development techniques (especially panzer's), no ship can possibly survive even a fraction of the per-turn damage output of a well-armed cruiser, much less something such as a battleship, unless one resorts to such techniques as an absurd level of modularity; despite my testing of nearly two dozen distinct armoring schemes, that was still the only one I could find that had any appreciable impact on ship survivability.

Nor is restricting armament sizes or tonnage very effective either; I have a 0.3-ton missile that can cut through most armor, and panzer's Tripedo-S, a measly 2 tons, can half-vaporize almost anything in a single shot. At this point we are forced to conclude that KSP is simple not meant to be played as a combat game, if only because we do not have "real" armor, and the discrete physics calculations mean that even if we did, a shot moving at 600+ m/s would probably phase through it anyway. The only way around this is to restrict armament so heavily that weapons development stalls, and this halves the entertainment value while making it feel less of a battle and more of a game, where the rules rather than player ingenuity determine the outcome half the time.

In short, I have simply given up; there is probably nothing anyone can ever do to the rules to make battles entertaining, even if we could get everyone to agree on them, and at some deep level everybody here has realized this, which is why no-one ever does anything anymore. Perhaps tweaks to part statistics or physics calculation methods will eventually allow for actually functional armor, or someone will come up with rules sufficiently interesting for people to enjoy battling again, but until such time this thread really serves no purpose.

P.S: Alphasus, never test armor with Whack-a-Kerbal balls, because they do not act like ordinary projectiles, being completely indestructible. Use actual missiles instead...

Edited by Three1415
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I have been inactive for three reasons: First, I have a nice desktop but a poor laptop, so when I am away from home for several weeks, as I am now, I have no good opportunity to do much of anything. Second, I rather burned myself out in my frenzy of construction about a month ago, where I produced an ~900-part capital ship almost every day; that is too much KSP in too little time, admittedly.

However, I believe the primary reason for my inactivity, and many others' besides, is that battling is simply no longer practical. Although people such as Spartwo disagree, I feel the current rules are outmoded and obsolete, as they were set forth in a time wherein well-constructed plate was half-invincible, capital ships were rare, and naval technology in general was minimally developed. As such, they are simply no longer sufficient for interesting combat, because with any good players' storage and weapon-development techniques (especially panzer's), no ship can possibly survive even a fraction of the per-turn damage output of a well-armed cruiser, much less something such as a battleship, unless one resorts to such techniques as an absurd level of modularity; despite my testing of nearly two dozen distinct armoring schemes, that was still the only one I could find that had any appreciable impact on ship survivability.

Nor is restricting armament sizes or tonnage very effective either; I have a 0.3-ton missile that can cut through most armor, and panzer's Tripedo-S, a measly 2 tons, can half-vaporize almost anything in a single shot. At this point we are forced to conclude that KSP is simple not meant to be played as a combat game, if only because we do not have "real" armor, and the discrete physics calculations mean that even if we did, a shot moving at 600+ m/s would probably phase through it anyway. The only way around this is to restrict armament so heavily that weapons development stalls, and this halves the entertainment value while making it feel less of a battle and more of a game, where the rules rather than player ingenuity determine the outcome half the time.

In short, I have simply given up; there is probably nothing anyone can ever do to the rules to make battles entertaining, even if we could get everyone to agree on them, and at some deep level everybody here has realized this, which is why no-one ever does anything anymore. Perhaps tweaks to part statistics or physics calculation methods will eventually allow for actually functional armor, or someone will come up with rules sufficiently interesting for people to enjoy battling again, but until such time this thread really serves no purpose.

P.S: Alphasus, never test armor with Whack-a-Kerbal balls, because they do not act like ordinary projectiles, being completely indestructible. Use actual missiles instead...

I disagree. I have found a solution to our core problem where ship usually get cuts in half. As I have stated I've been off KSP for two months because I found no way out of our core structural part dilemma where the weakest link of a ship is the joint of the structural beam.

But alas I have found a solution. I couldn't cut my ships in half anytime anymore (well most of the time), I've even used a ridiculous sized missile to test it.

I have two approaches to building the core of the ship. The other one is top secret, I'm not sure if I should share it but it will mean the end of the Naval Battle Club so I 'm having second thoughts (I have used it on the "Rebisco" ship hull). The other I could give away for free (I have used it on the "Ruman" ship hull). Please look at the previous posts where Alphasus tested the ship and I have linked the craft file (you can see the picture of the ship).

The secret of the ''Ruman" ship hull are DOCKING PORTS by putting docking ports in the core of your ships you will have additional contact joints for the ship. My hull flexes in a weird way after being hit and snaps back into position. So we don't have only one connection point on the ship anymore. By constructing the docking ports near each other they automatically dock when you play and serve as powerful joint (but not as strong as the core structural joint, maybe a little weaker). Basically my ship has an additional spine composed of strategically placed Docking Ports along it's core structure (Structural Beam). Please test the "Ruman" and you can see what I'm talking about. It can be used in a different way of course I'm sure others can improve it.

As far as I have tested I have used my own OP version of the Tirepedo (My original design which Panzer utilized) I usually could kill my own ship in one or two shots but this time I couldn't anymore. I'm now improving my armament once more in this case.

Our only real problem now is the Weapon Phasing part. Very fast missile are simply unpredictable, it either impacts or phase through the internals which could either damage critically or just do regular damage.

But with the new core hull which I proposed, ships will not get easily cut in half when receiving too much impact from projectiles. It's only a matter or creating a powerful armor shell around the new hull to make a stronger ship and making a phase resistant armor (usually by making a space gap in the armor)

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Alright with the recent development of everyone else tanks I had to step it up too.


I built a heavier tank from the lynx chassis with heavier armor compared to the original but more importantly a 360 turning turret with 6 high penetration I-beams and one light machine gun mounted anti-tank round.

Still working on developing it.

Ahh, I could add some long range cannon shots onto that tank. My HVAP shots are good up to 3 km, but need to be aimed well. I could send u a trial version.

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too modded, I see B9 on that...

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Ok, we are in an age of inceredible weapons. I just defeated 4 layered armor on a 170t ship with fighter caliber .625 m missiles....I wonder how the Rebisco will take it

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too modded, I see B9 on that...

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Ok, we are in an age of inceredible weapons. I just defeated 4 layered armor on a 170t ship with fighter caliber .625 m missiles....I wonder how the Rebisco will take it

I have a slightly modified ship built like the ''Rebisco'' Hull, I call it the ''Presto'' Hull.


As far as I've tested it's better than the ''Rebisco'' Hull so (I will not release a copy of the craft file It's quite good, I've launched four of my next generation tirepedoes at it and its still intact)

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I have a slightly modified ship built like the ''Rebisco'' Hull, I call it the ''Presto'' Hull.


As far as I've tested it's better than the ''Rebisco'' Hull so (I will not release a copy of the craft file It's quite good, I've launched four of my next generation tirepedoes at it and its still intact)

I did my testing with 18 fighter launched missiles that are still i beam, but have insane speed just below clipping.

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I have a slightly modified ship built like the ''Rebisco'' Hull, I call it the ''Presto'' Hull.


As far as I've tested it's better than the ''Rebisco'' Hull so (I will not release a copy of the craft file It's quite good, I've launched four of my next generation tirepedoes at it and its still intact)

Can I have a persist?

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