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Zamovinar, another thing that will go a long way toward reducing part count is cutting down on the number of separatrons. You have 32 per missile! Most people here go with 6 or 8 for the long I-beams and 4 or 6 for the short. Also, the battleship has a ton of Vernor engines and the dreadnaught has extra RCS in addition to its vernors, you could get rid of a lot of those without too many problems. Your ships are very heavy compared to the average and have triple layer armor, so their high part counts sort of make sense.

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Would separating a single large ship into smaller separate ships (not fighters, actual ships) be legal?

EDIT: And what about salvaging weapons from one of your own dead ships. Or undocking a controllable part of a damaged ship and redocking it in a different place to make your ship attack-capable again. Doing so would seem to violate rule 5.

Edited by Vaporo
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Megalodon 720can I have the craft file of your ships? I'm really interested what your superstructure looks like and the missiles please. Link to your ships craft file please! :D the 'Victory' Class and the 'Temeraire' class I have version 0.24 by the way.

If you like we could design a ship together. I have a new armor type. Sort of like a reactive armor. It absorbs the energy and can reduce the damage taken. I see most ships here can be taken down with one overpowered "mainsail" rocket with a critical hit. With my armor I can survive at least one hit. (Trust me I've tried)

I'm lacking a good anti-ship missiles though I don't know where to begin. Sure I can use "Mainsail" rockets and higher but overpowered rockets are too bulky, can you share some good tips on "deadly rocket" design? Zeke's missiles are pretty deadly. I've seen rockets with docking ports which are good for stacking.

If anybody here have seen Zeke's videos you should know that the Drek depleted all it's missiles just to kill my ship. (I think he has 4 for each Drek ship)

That's why he had to use two.

O Fortuna

The Battle of Zokesia: Trailer

Battle of Zokesia, Episode I: Trial By Fire.

sdj64 Can I have a copy of the craft file of your missiles? or subassembly? can it be used it space? I would really like to try it on my targets.

Vaporo I've already thought of a modular ship design, just in case it gets hit it should separate into smaller ships. I don't think they have a rule for that yet. cause that could cause trouble for multiple small ships.

Edited by Zamovinar
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Megalodon 720can I have the craft file of your ships? I'm really interested what your superstructure looks like and the missiles please. Link to your ships craft file please! :D the 'Victory' Class and the 'Temeraire' class I have version 0.24 by the way.

If you like we could design a ship together...

As far as I know, the two new ships do not have any .25 parts. I'll have a look in an hour or two and see if they do.

If they are compatible with .24 then I'll send you the downloads for them.

I would like to design a ship with someone else, it would be a new experience.:)

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Zamovinar, all of my ships are up for download at my company thread (click the picture in my signature). You can grab a missile off of one of them to use as a subassembly.

The official rule for modular ships is that if the original core survives, then the ship is not dead. It still has to meet the criteria for "alive" (any 2 out of: has power, can move, has weapons). All other parts are considered dead and are fair game for being taken by other ships on either team for weapons or fuel.

If your ship is named "KRKN Fortuna" then the part still named "KRKN Fortuna" is the original core. Anything called "KRKN Fortuna Ship", "KRKN Fortuna probe", or "KRKN Fortuna debris" or the like is dead. There's no rule about controlling dead ship parts, but I would say if they previously belonged to your ship, then you can control them back to the original core. Remember that your attack has to be made with a ship that is alive so you can't attack with a dead ship piece. If the dead part previously belonged to your opponent's ship, then it's good sportsmanship to only control it if your ship is docked or attached to it.

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A little late but this has been my favourite piece of music for six years.

Aye that be a good one :D

progress update on the Drek XXX: double armor is far too heavy, and the D/V is suffering with even one layer. I have about 3.7 km/s and 235 tonne weight. I might try adding an ION power rig to the back, to bump the D/V s bit more, but that also might raise weight. I also am worried that the armor is far too thin, that one-shots may be possible. At least part count us good (610 atm) and I have 8 of my big DREK ASMs in there...

will ill post pics soon, it looks like a Victory turned on its side...

Edited by zekes
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UPDATE: here are the two prototypes- one of them is 235 tonnes, 2400 m/s D/V. The second is 225 tonnes, with 13,0500 M/s D/V. The TWR of the Second is about .5 m/s^2, which is not impossible, but not amazing, so it has Nuclear engines to add another 1500 m/s in combat.



I like the second one, but it's ugly with that cockpit top, will have to fix.

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I like the top one, it's got a nice sleek outer layer, and would be very difficult to damage from the front. Anyway, what are the part counts?

Final stats are at the bottom, under the "Vessel" and "Resource" tabs (kerbaltech)

Here is the P-2 (Second prototype).... can go to laythe and back, easy. A new age is dawining, where I can actually take my ships places.

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Final stats are at the bottom, under the "Vessel" and "Resource" tabs (kerbaltech)

Here is the P-2 (Second prototype).... can go to laythe and back, easy. A new age is dawining, where I can actually take my ships places.


Uh oh. :0.0:

Batten down the hatches! Engage thrusters, put us in an inclined retrograde orbit!

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Drag the ship into orbit(launcher above ship) This will automatically point the ship in the right direction and turns the lift issue into added stability.

Actually, careful with that. It works wonders, but the gimbal code breaks if the engines are in front of the CoM. So either disable them and steer with reaction wheels, or put the engines below the CoM, while the CoM is above the CoL.

Rune. Which is why making skycranes work well is not trivial.

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