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.24: Decoupler: higher force and rotation?

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Do the TT-38K, Hydraulic Detachment Manifold and the TT-70 have a different ejection force (and direction) since .24? When staging solid boosters (from the RT-10 to the S1 SRB) I always include a few sepatrons to get a nice and clean staging, but it seems that since the latest update the ejection force is higher and it also looks like a rotational force is introduced. Especially the rotation is a nuicance as sometimes it makes the sepatrons push the boosters into the core. Even Jeb is moaning about explosions now... :)

My apologies if this has been discussed before, I couldn't find it through the Search function.

Edited by DeepSpaceDutch
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The hydraulic ones have usually had higher force then the other two. You pay for that in higher mass. On all side decouplers, to prevent the rotational forces, you need to have your boosters centered on them. The same goes for braces including any fuel lines which also act as braces, match them in pairs.

Braces, however, may cause any decoupler to have no decoupling force at all. In such cases, separatrons may be needed to avoid explosions caused by firing the rocket after separation.a

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The hydraulic ones have usually had higher force then the other two. You pay for that in higher mass. On all side decouplers, to prevent the rotational forces, you need to have your boosters centered on them. The same goes for braces including any fuel lines which also act as braces, match them in pairs.

Ooow I know good Sir, I always symmetry the hell out of everything ;) KSP made me discover I have some form of OCD haha

I believe this is a known issues with a partial fix.


That link should take you to a list of know issues. Scroll down until you find the 0.24 Decoupler issue. Targa has a workaround posted in that forum.

Awesome, this seems to be it, thank you RexKramer!

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