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Offer details on what a part is in the contract menu

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Please, I don't know the names of half the parts in KSP. So when a contract is asking me to test the LFB KR-1x2 on the Mun, I don't know if that fits into the mission I'm planning. If a part description was available in the contract menu, it would make choosing contracts far easier.

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I agree (with OP). Also, so do these people.

You're not the first to want this, basically ;)


  Imaginer1 said:
You can look at the names of the parts while making your ship, though, and while flying right-clicking on most parts gives you their name. I dunno, I feel like it might be redundant to do that...

True, but when reading the contract, it's much easier to see a picture and say 'ohh, that little orange radial engine!' rather than building a rocket and then trying to find the "Rockomax 24-77", whatever that is.

Edited by ObsessedWithKSP
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I agree, it can't be that hard to implement can it? I actually know all of the names of engines, but with the SLS parts i instead try to see what the name means, for example KR-1x2 (LFB, is liquid fuel booster, KR-1x2, i think that means 2 engines, so its the SLS liquid booster!).

I think most people don't know the names because they simply find engine X and without even seeing the name of it they slack it into the rocket, and end up calling them "big powerful orange engine" instead of "Rockomax "Mainsail"".

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Along these same lines, please add a highlight on all parts we currently have contracts to test, not just those we haven't unlocked yet, so we can find them easier. A highlight on the category buttons if there are contract parts in that category would also help.

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  SlimeCrusher said:
I think most people don't know the names because they simply find engine X and without even seeing the name of it they slack it into the rocket, and end up calling them "big powerful orange engine" instead of "Rockomax "Mainsail"".

I'd say that the Mainsails, Skippers and Poodles are some of the few engines that everyone knows the name for. In the VAB, everyone selects and remembers parts based on their appearance, as their picture is displayed with no name unless you hover over them. This should be taken into consideration at Mission Control.

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  Rusty6899 said:
I'd say that the Mainsails, Skippers and Poodles are some of the few engines that everyone knows the name for. In the VAB, everyone selects and remembers parts based on their appearance, as their picture is displayed with no name unless you hover over them. This should be taken into consideration at Mission Control.

I agree, parts with pronounceable names like the engines you mention (or sepratrons, or OX-STATs) are more memorable than alphanumeric designations.

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Even for someone like me that take most "space" parts serious ( meaning I don't really care about spaceplanes ) it is sometimes hard to memorise every single name.

On a sidenote: I find the whole career ( Science and Contracts ) extremely boring.

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