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cargo ssto with hercules moving cargobay doors wip

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hey guys here is a ssto i made with moving cargobay doors.

the cargobay is to small to fit anything of note in.

so i'm gonna make it bigger but here are some pics and a little video showing how i made the cargo doors.





Edited by soulreaver1981
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That is more usefull than you think. I personally could fit a lot of stuff in there, and I am no where near a good builder. That is a nice looking plane, and a better looking cargo system.

Thanks jeb cubed.

I can post the plane if you want (after improving the way it flys)

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Interesting solution for opening the doors. Also, it's good to see someone actually found a use for the large plane cockpit, I never could make anything of it, it's heavy, ugly, and not compatible with 99% of the parts in the game, I was beginning to wonder if the devs aren't just trolling me with it :)

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Interesting solution for opening the doors. Also, it's good to see someone actually found a use for the large plane cockpit, I never could make anything of it, it's heavy, ugly, and not compatible with 99% of the parts in the game, I was beginning to wonder if the devs aren't just trolling me with it :)

The cockpit is acyually part of the original mods made by c7 i think.

I think it looks nice do it needs a update bad

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This is brilliant. Amazingly clean lines too! I have been thinking about how to do something like this for a while, but I hadn't thought of dividing the door in two sections to get enough clearance. Brilliant I say! And you say you use LV-1Rs as hinges? I can never get a decent bend out of them, but you can bet I'll be tinkering on my end.

Rune. I rep'd you already for this, didn't I? Let's check.

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This is brilliant. Amazingly clean lines too! I have been thinking about how to do something like this for a while, but I hadn't thought of dividing the door in two sections to get enough clearance. Brilliant I say! And you say you use LV-1Rs as hinges? I can never get a decent bend out of them, but you can bet I'll be tinkering on my end.

Rune. I rep'd you already for this, didn't I? Let's check.

Thanks rune.

The more engine's you use the more bend you get.

Some made a stock vtol engine this way a while back i forgot his name.

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Thanks rune.

The more engine's you use the more bend you get.

Some made a stock vtol engine this way a while back i forgot his name.

That was Giggleplex, IIRC. He mentioned changing his swivel engine to use these, which is why I tried them the first time. Now it's two people telling me the same, so I must be doing something bad. But I'll get it working, don't worry.

Rune. To the SPH, for Scienceâ„¢!

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