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A 4th Gameplay Mode (Experiment Mode)

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BACK STORY AND RAMBLING (You should probably skip ahead.)

I've been keeping my eye on KSP since it first hit Steam. However, I only recently bought KSP after it got its Career Mode (and I was able to squeeze another non-sale game into my budget... I digress... - Its a great price! I'm just poor. Anyway,) because I like the objective based gameplay. Sandbox with all the parts is just too overwhelming and directionless for me. (I mean, I like Sandbox mode occasionally, its handy and should be kept in the game.)

However, I found while I LOVE the idea of balancing science and money, what I was really hoping to get out of the Career Mode was ruined by the money.

I could do science mode, get science and unlock the tech tree slowly, but once again I'd be without a rudder. I like having the game choose mission objectives for me, otherwise I'm trying to land on Duna on day one. It's just how I am. (And sure, I'm betting you can land on Duna on day one but as a new players I spend a lot of time just crashing on the launch pad and not doing stuff that helps me get the better equipment to et to Duna... and Sure, I know better equipment and all.. I need a rudder! :P)

So, I'd like a mode that's between Career and Science


Because I couldn't think of a better name for it, I'm calling it Experiment Mode. As the players would do experiments (planned by the lab geeks) to gain science.

The players would take contracts that give only science and not worry about money at all.

Same Contracts, Same Amount of Science, No Budget or Money.

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I like this idea. It'd be neat if it also came with an extended tech tree that allows you to get some less valuable things further up after you've unlocked all the important parts. They could be variants of things you have, slight improvements, passive upgrades, more structural components, or even just trophy tech that you can have for decorating craft but which has no real benefit beyond that. That way I can zip far enough into the tech tree to have building options and still have a significant amount of game left ahead of me.

What bugs me most about KSP is by the time it becomes fun, it's almost finished.

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