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Another Gameplay Mode: (Objective Based) Mission Mode

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Right now I feel that players are able to gain science and tech way too quickly. I just saw a Scott Manley (I'm sure people here have heard of him, I've just learned of him, but anyway) video where he does First Contract in two launches. He's able to get over 200 science after his first mission.

Now, I think the fact that people can do that is AWESOME... I also feel like if I don't do that, I'm some how losing the game. (Yet, I don't want to copy them. I mean, I might try the challenge, but now that I've seen it done I don't know how I can do my own and feel untainted by previous knowledge... that's a separate issue, and I digress [again])

So, anyway, that's great... in say Sandbox Mode or pure Science Mode.

However, I'd like to have a mode that limits that sort of thing. After all, just because you can collect a bunch of data (in real life, which Kerbal isn't, but... Its the sort of game where 'real life' actually kind of matters since I'm told (you/the) dev's aren't going to put scifi stuff in) doesn't mean that data can be understood and put into application immediately.



I'd like to see a structured mode that slows down science gain for players that choose to play in this mode, and force them to work with older parts and tech for longer. (Hey, you'd only go into this mode if you wanted it!)

While it would be great if specific tech was tied to specific science experiments and data types, that for now the science being tied to contracts would be fun.

So, to unlock a new type of engine, the player would have to perform a contract first. To unlock a new nose cone, another contract for that. Also, to prevent players from taking all the contracts at once and getting all the tech, only one contract can be taken at a time.

Some contracts can give the player access to the tech right away, but they can't get any more contracts until they complete the one they have.

Other contracts will be there to give players access to other contracts.


Several contracts appear in the contract menu. One is to test a new parachute. The player takes the contract and the player gets access to the parachute to perform the test. The other contracts disappear/can't be taken until the Parachute contract is complete.

This would give players access to the parachute right away, yea! However, until they complete the contract they can't gain access to another part.

So, player does the parachute test and now the lab geeks want some Goo Data from Mun (or orbit, or whatever). The would then give the player access to the Mysterious Goo container. Yea! But, once again, until the contract is completed no other parts can be unlocked.

After a while the lab guys decide they'd like to get some Goo Data from the Mun. So, they ask you to head to the Mun and bring back Goo Data. After completing the contract with the Goo on the Mun, the lab guys have another contract to take a Science Lab to the Mun (I forget what its called, the first white round science thingy you get after Goo.)

So, back to the Mun! (What, weren't we just there!? Come on lab guys! :P) and this time we've taken science from the Mun.

Then maybe the science guys want to test transmitting data back from the Mun. This could unlock a new mission contract that gives access to probes, but they want to test how well the probe works from Minmus or something.)

And so on, and so on... where several contracts are there for the taking, but the tech tree is only unlocked as the contracts are completed.

This way, the player can follow the contracts and not worry about collecting every piece of science from every pond in the game... nor do they advance through the tech tree very quickly.



I -LOVE- that the other game play modes exist, and I don't want them to be removed or tinkered with too much (please make them 'better'! - Yes - but I don't want to see Mission Mode replace Science Mode, or Sandbox Mode, etc.)

I'd love to be able to sit down and play KSP through Mission Mode as a giant tutorial, to learn the game... but then once I've beat all the missions I could switch to Science Mode where I can design my own missions (as it is now) to unlock the tech tree and do my own experiments and challenges, but then when I feel like I've got more of a handle on the game, I can go into Career where I get to do it all gain with a budget.

- I like to see added replay value in all games I play and own. -

Thanks for the read,


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I would only like this if more of the standard parts had low-tech versions available lower in the tech tree, such as structural components, adapters, docking ports, decouplers, and other basics like that. And I think these should definitely be added to the game. It takes far too long to get docking ports in particular, which really annoys me because I build this elaborate space station with early tech to get some science, and I abandon it shortly after it does its first job because now I want a better station but it's impossible to upgrade it. It also bugs the hell out of me that I can use various high-tech devices like probe cores or jet engines but I still can't make basic structural fuselages, beams, wings, panels, etc.

I would rather enjoy a mode that makes unlocking tech much more difficult. It could even be a difficulty setting rather than a mode unto itself. But I'd only want this if the above stated issue is dealt with.

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TheReaverOfDarkness - I think that a space station being built and then being outdated matches the real world pretty well. I understand what you're saying, but you might want to stay with science mode if you like to jump to advanced tech early.

I personally am hoping for a slower tech experience with this mode.

Also, I think that a space station being built and then being out of date matches reality pretty well, and the reason your first station is out of date is because of the science it gets you, right? It gets you a bunch of science and your little Kerbals now understand how to build a better station. Its like, "We built a space station, yea! Look at it, w00t! Man, I learned so much from building that station that if we could do it all over again it would be so much better!"

Foot Note: I think the designers should try to strike the balance of fast tech and slow tech, for people who prefer different play styles, by creating different game modes and different options for the various game modes. - You want a fast tech game, and that's great! I want a slow tech game, and I think that's great too.

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