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Should I animate my part in Unity or Blender?

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I made a radially mounted jet engine. Now I want to animate it with a 90 degree rotation to use for a VTOL. Which program is best? I've done engine glow with unity, but I tried doing the rotation and couldn't quite get it. Then I tried blender, but the pat only rotated about 75 degrees once I imported it to unity.

So I have to figure out what I'm doing wrong in one of the programs. Which should I learn? I'm not asking for help on this specific problem, just advice on which program I should dedicate my time to.

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for simple rotations in only 1 axis; Unity is fine. for complex rotations, blender might be easier to work with as Unity's curve display are not intuitive to work with. You might need an animation plugin like Firespitter or BahamutoD's if you are trying to get AnimateHeat and/or AnimateThrottle and/or AnimateGeneric all on one part.

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Sounds like Blender is my best bet. Thanks for that bit about plugins, I definitely would have run into a problem. I'm trying to get this done without plugins though, so maybe I should make this two parts.

Even if this animation is simple, I'll just get to learning animations in Blender, because I definitely have some more complicated plans mind.

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