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Simulating a near-future manned lunar program in KSP.


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Besides running a manned lunar program (more of a lunar transportation system, really), I'm an avid fan of KSP. So, a while ago, I took it upon myself to try and demonstrate what it might look like in the real world (with the help of a few mods). This is what I got:

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(One minor gripe - I found out that the LEM descent engine in FASA doesn't have a gimbal, which probably led to the "pilot error" that I encountered during that simulation. In the real world, it did).

I'm considering running this in RSS to see if it'll work with the real-world constraints, but I'm not sure if my computer can handle it (two whole cores, hooray) and/or if FASA and LazTek are compatible with it. I'd love some advice on that.

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Nice Plan, I say.

A quick question: Why not have a reusable crew bus based on the Orion?(to elaborate: use the Orion as a crew bus, but don't have it reenter atmosphere; instead, use a Dragon V2 for surface to orbit and a modified Orion for a lunar ferry. Retain the heatshield for a quick escape option.)

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