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Eva jetpack retroburn?


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Ok so basically I am in orbit and the last stage was decoupled to lower lowest part by 1000 metres. No fuel left but infinite eva propellant because you gain more when you get in a capsule. So anyway is it possible to retrograde via Eva with very little eva skills I can barely transfer kerbals and when I do it takes 5 or 6 tries. I got a lot of science out of this mission and I was testing a rocket before I use it for a probe.

I can do a rescue mission when I get the claw but currently I only have the tech tree up to all small tanks and engines, Mk1 pod and cockpit, struts, goo can, science Jr., antenna, and some larger cubic struts.

Budget is 50,000 used 40,000 to get there and I want some money left over if I fail.

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Yes, "get out and push" is a recognised KSC manoeuvre, it's in the induction manual.

What do you mean you didn't read the induction manual because Jeb stole it? Oh well - my tutorial says "One, very Kerbal, solution is to 'get out and push' - you have infinite EVA fuel so get the Kerbal to push the pod retrograde using the suit RCS, slowing the vehicle and lowering its periapsis. Re-board the pod to refuel the suit, repeat as required until the periapsis is in the atmosphere and aerobraking will do the rest for you." (so it must be true!)

Whether you can do it with "very little" EVA skills is up to you - you may well need to re-board the capsule several times and you need to get lined-up in front of the ship more or less properly when you do push. I say, if in doubt practice in a sandbox game created specifically for practicing things :-)

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Yes, "get out and push" is a recognised KSC manoeuvre, it's in the induction manual.


I have to admit, I've done this on a couple of occasions. I should go over to the 'Confess Your Sins' thread~

What ever happened to Kerbals using monoprop for EVA? I saw some weird post from HarvestR talking about the mass of the monoprop causing serious problems but as I see it, 5 units of monoprop is only 0.02 mass (vs 0.092 for a kerbal on EVA). That would give 'em 0.112 wet mass, 0.092 dry mass, and assuming they're using RCS quads at 260 isp, 501.729 dv(vac). That's a slight reduction from their .. roughly 576 they have now.. but still quite useful (geez, Nasa's MMU had 25m/s dv)

So what happened? Mods have implemented it just fine with zero problems...

Maybe I should get off my lazy duff and scribble up an EVA mod or something, heh.

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Yep, I had to pull this maneuver for the first time just the other day. 2 unrelated construction errors left my TMI and return stages stuck in LKO with no working engines. I could have used my nearby rescue station to save the pilot, but that would have left the ship stranded in orbit. I hate debris. So mission control directed the GOP maneuver. 3 jetpack trips later we had an atmosphere skim, and one more push put us in for recovery. As an added bonus, the TMI stage was designed with legs for Minmus landings, so the whole ship survived (a hard) Kerbin landing intact.

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I had to so this once when I first started playing. It helps if you can position the ship in such a way as to have a nice flat or as flat as it can be, surface to push against. Reminded me of pushing a Pinto to the gas station down the street. :)

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You mentioned you aren't overly confident of your EVA skills. Getting out and pushing will fix that.

I'd recommend leaving yourself a fair amount of RCS to get back in the pod, until you are more confident. Try some different views, to see if you find EVas easier with a certain view.

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I have to admit, I've done this on a couple of occasions. I should go over to the 'Confess Your Sins' thread~

What ever happened to Kerbals using monoprop for EVA? I saw some weird post from HarvestR talking about the mass of the monoprop causing serious problems but as I see it, 5 units of monoprop is only 0.02 mass (vs 0.092 for a kerbal on EVA). That would give 'em 0.112 wet mass, 0.092 dry mass, and assuming they're using RCS quads at 260 isp, 501.729 dv(vac). That's a slight reduction from their .. roughly 576 they have now.. but still quite useful (geez, Nasa's MMU had 25m/s dv)

So what happened? Mods have implemented it just fine with zero problems...

Maybe I should get off my lazy duff and scribble up an EVA mod or something, heh.

What happened was that the developers decided against it once it was in testing and scrapped it. Although we never got official word on why, best guess pegs it at "limited EVA fuel wasn't really very fun". Capsules having monopropellant still is a remnant of that canned feature.

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Also remember to also stop pushing to at 0.5 to 1.0 as that is enough (depending on the size of the craft) to make it back to the pod with plenty to spare. Most of the time. If The craft is smallish .08 is enough to get back to the pod or at least get to the ladder once you get good enough.

Another thing to remember. Take your time and go slow. Little bursts for thrust go a long way when reaching the back end. As most of teh engines are cupped shaped at the back. Providing a good place to push. When you stop pushing. Let your Kerbal drift back on its own for a little bit. Saves fuel as well as helping keep you from bouncing around.

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