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Payload container

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I would love this idea, as my current goal is, with 1 mission, to land a probe on and get a satellite an orbiting every Joolian moon. excluding landing stages, thats 1 probe core, 1 solar panel, 1 battery, the four small science equipment(because I want to), and an antenna. 8 parts for 10 probes. thats 80 parts minimum, not counting decouplers, the landing stages for 5 of them, and the craft thats lugging them around. Its one of my more ambitious missions sure, but packing all those into 5 boxes would be lovely, especially during launch.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I like the payload idea. One could 'keep it real' by doing some much lower res physics on the payload maybe? Or maybe put it through some 'shake and bake' to see what kind of forces would damage it.

A related issue is that multi lander ships quickly get unmanageable staging; the lander staging is not important until the lander decouples but gets in the way of ensuring the staging to 'get you there' is okay. The game could allow us to 'mark' a subassembly or set of stages as a 'staging atom', turning a 20 stage nightmare into nested set of 3 or 4 stage sequences.

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