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The Podium - Post your most emotional speeches here!


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Here, you can post the most emotional, heart-wrenching speeches you can make for any scenario.

  • It may be congratulatory - celebrating the resounding success of that mission to Laythe.
  • It may be some sort of a public announcement - informing the public that you just lost contact with 3 kerbals who were supposed to land on the Mun, and (falsely) reassuring the public that you were doing the best you can to rescue them.
  • Or it may be something that commemorates the legacy of a fallen Kerbal - how you want them to be remembered and telling the world how they died valiantly for the betterment of Kerbalkind.

The floor is yours people. Share and care!


...I regret to inform you that as of 4:57 this morning, we've lost contact with Kerpollo 13...

Edited by mangekyou-sama
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(Start sad music)We are very sad to morn the loss of a great Kerbal today.bill Kerman has done so *cough* little,I mean so much for science he's been a national hero bringing hope to the ksp space program today we rember all he's done and we congratulate him for his achievements he will always be remembered as a brave astronaut...

Edited by CG_Kerbin
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Mine is really focused on humans as a group, but I can change things around for Kerbals.

On this day, Kerbalkind is no longer limited by the surly bonds of Earth. No longer are we confined to its small limited land and resources, no longer shall we live in fear of absolute extinction of our race, for this day, we send fourth the first 1 way mission out of our own solar family, today we embrace the great blackness of space and brave the great distances, we explore the deep and wide, the high and the low, we will see all there shall be to see, and we shall finally leave the cradle that was our home for so long.

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Nothing like a good speech! Here, Geneney "Gene" Kerman tries to persuade a skeptical Rockomax CEO to embark on a new venture...

“The first kerbals to walk on another world, Ademone - and we would put them there! It could be the dawn of a new era, or we may get to the Mün and never go back - it doesn't matter. What matters is that we tried. What matters is that future generations will be able to look back at a time when we dared the impossible, when we braved the unknown, and journeyed to a realm beyond the dreams of kerbalkind!â€Â

“At a time when we were magnificent.â€Â

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Ahh, what the heck. :) Have one from Jeb too.

“My friends - yesterday we made history together."

“When you work on something for so long, it's easy for it to become routine. Just something you do - no big deal. But take a step back for a moment and consider just what we did yesterday.

"We built a machine capable of flying so high and so fast that it flew clear around the planet and might never have come back down!â€Â

“But it did come back down - because we designed it that way. Together we reached out across the void. We touched the machine. And we brought it home.â€Â

“We brought it back down through fire hot enough to vaporise steel. We brought it back down so carefully and so precisely that after a voyage of over one hundred thousand kilometres, we could take a short boat trip, pluck it neatly out of the sea and put it here on this table before you!â€Â

“But that was yesterday.â€Â

“Today is a new day and today we take the next great step! Today we embark upon the dream of countless kerbals before us. Today we finally set out to do that which we founded the Kerbin Interplanetary Society for!â€Â

“Generations of kerbals to come will look back at us and see that this was when it happened. This was when we realised that we could do it. This was the day we took the decision to put a kerbal into space and bring him - or her - safely back to Kerbin!â€Â

“Make no mistake, my friends - this will not be easy. It will require all the skills and all the technologies we have built so far. We have rocket engines - but now we'll need bigger ones. We have capsules - but now we'll need better ones.â€Â

“But most of all, we're going to need volunteers. Someone to pilot the ships. Someone to forge a new path and set Kerbalkind on the road to the stars! And I believe that each and every one of you standing here today should be given the chance to be one of those volunteers if they so choose.â€Â

“To be a pilot for Project Moho.â€Â

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you sir, have destroyed all other speeches already placed. I'm gonna have to try harder this time. P.S., I am taking this as serious, so just say mankind, is kerbalkind ok.

Ladies and Gentlemen. Long ago when the first men walked on the moon, and it is taking us more than 50 years to return. The first men walked into space, and all we can do is go to LEO. Ladies and gentlemen, this is an outrage. Those who walked on the moon, and those who saw them, are dying. They are a dying group, they have aged 50 years or more since we last set foot, on our closest celestial neighbor. It has been to long, since the promises of those who hoped and believed, they to would see men living on the moon, and exploring Mars, and Jupiter, and even Saturn. Never did they believe, that after 50 years, we still would be nowhere closer to the ultimate goal. To those who chose to "play it safe" I am truly sorry. Because those who can't expand, those who aren't afraid to take risks, those who are willing to face the consequences, and reap the reward, they are the ones who will claim space and the planets and stars for themselves. Not those who sit behind their desks and wait for someone else to do it. It took 10 years after the birth of the space age, before we landed on the moon. We were focused, we were ready, we were willing. But since then, we feel that what little crumbs of knowledge, and the bragging rights as the first are good enough. But its not. Who will remember a people who had a new land in the palm of their hands, and they threw it out of reach, who will remember those who had taken the first step to finding the answer, to learning more for their nation, for their world, but gave it all away. Who remembers the man who lit the first fire, but put it out because he feared it. This is the direction the world is going. Space is there, waiting ready for anyone who is willing to brave its challenges. It is finally time to set aside these petty borders, these imaginary lines that "protect" men from themselves. Its time to focus on a new age, of exploration, of expansion, and of hope. An age without war, but peace, and cooperation. Only when we realize that the borders do not exist, that the flags we make, the evil we fight, is only within our heads. Only when the Earth is truly threatened will we understand why we must expand out. Why we must explore, why we must survive, and challenge. Space.

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"Let us not focus on what we can do, let us focus in what we think we cannot do. And then do it. History belongs to the bold, it belongs to those who sacrifice, it belongs to those who take risks to stretch the boundaries of their limits. It doesn't matter if you failed, if matters that you tried - and that you acted, that you saw a opportunity and went for it. Whether Jebediah returns home safely tomorrow from his flight is not within my power - but I can assure you, we have tried our best to ensure his safe return. And even if he doesn't, he will go down in history as the bold, the explorer, the conquerer. We tried - and even if we fail, because of that, let our civilization look back on us today in a thousand years and say."

"This was their finest moment."

"And let it be known, a moment in which we united for even a split second, a moment in which we looked front the dirt and reached for the stars. A moment in which the universe itself stood still as we, no matter how primitive, no matter how weak, held our hands in unity and took a step on the greatest journey that we have known."

Sort of inspired by all your speeches (Especially KSK's), but just putting it out here.

Edited by NASAFanboy
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