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Trouble with my fuel transporter

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6B9FFBE4DD692BEF0F855695FB39E8A8CB3ABC35The Testing Phase.

ABAB38C0EE48783A731188C6DFE4E69D2F6A0478When I decouple the rear, Sr., the back support struts that connect the top engine to the lower break away... as such...0BE345A362E5252BD5706C1016CB31A84891CE5EI know why it is happening, because it thinks that top engine is part of the fuel cell and "breaks away" when I decouple. So my question is: Is it possible for me to have two dock connection points like I currently do but still make the rest of the ship built around it? Because if I was to just stack those engines then add the fuel cell in later it would only connect to one point (coupler) instead of how I want it. I know I could just do one coupler build around the fuel cell and support strut the back half, but for some reason I think a small part of me would die on the inside if I did that...;.;

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One of your docking ports must be near but not connected to your payload. When the physics loads then the docking port will attach if close enough. Otherwise, you are going to have ship breaking issues. It's best to only use one docking port for payloads and strut your cargo in place. If you want true reuseability then hang your cargo from a central spine at the top of your cargo bay.

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Okay so I reworked a few things. However I'm was still having the same issue. BUT I did manage to work around it. I took the two normal decouplers off and put a support strut between the orange tank and the structure behind the would be cockpit, then put the decouplers back on. Even though they look like their connected with their magnets it is actually the strut supporting... long as it looks legit I'm happy! I'll throw up some pics when I'm done with this project.

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It will always fall off if you build it by connecting the Sr. dock port to the orange tank's dock port. What you need to do is delete all of that, starting with the Sr. Dock port that you want to retain as part of the ship. (Leave the orange tank's Sr. docking port.)

Then build up on top of that middle engine stack. You'll have to rebuild the entire engine nacelle/Sr. Docking port piece ON TOP of that middle engine. Then you'll have to tweak it around so that this new Sr. dock port is lined up with the Sr dock port on the orange tank. The Sr. docking ports should NOT be connected in the SPH, but should be extremely close to each other.

Once you "launch" the ship, the Sr dock ports will magnetize and couple, assuming you have them lined up well enough.

You have to do it this way because Unity/PhysX uses a tree based structure when building craft. So when you build that top most engine by connecting the docking port, it becomes a "child" piece. Then when you decouple, you removed the only connection it actually has, which causes fuel lines and struts to disconnect and your engine to float away.

Hopefully that makes sense.



Also, moved to Gameplay Questions.

Edited by Claw
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Well, you can always use the orange tank as root part instead of the pod ;) But I think you can fix this one using I beams to fix the falling engine part in place ...

This won't really work so well either since you won't be able to connect the front and back half of the ship after building off of both ends of the orange tank.

Think of the orange tank as a payload. Mentally what you really want is to think about building up your ship first, then add the orange tank in. (When you actually build it, you'll need the orange tank in to line up and provide structure.)

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so make sure the engie that falls off, is actually radially attached to the engine below it, not attached to the docking port. after loading the craft on the runway, the docking port should connect if its close enough. :)

How to do it? build the last section the same as it is now but upside down, and then flip it around. :)

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