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Make command pods have zero MonoPropellant as default in VAB?


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What would the module manager code to set the default MonoPropellant amount to zero for all command pods in the VAB or SPH be?

I often forget to tweak MonoPropellant to zero before launch, resulting in me carrying around dead weight, as I rarely use RCS for anything.

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So, I tried my hand at making a .cfg for module manager and I'm not having any luck. Here is the code I wrote to try and make the default MonoPropellant amount for command pods zero :


%amount = 0

Anyone have any ideas why this isn't working?

I've already made the changes I want manually, so no big deal there. I'm just curious as to why my module manager .cfg won't work. I made sure to "save as" a .cfg with notepad, and then dropped the file in the gamedata folder, so I'm guessing I just don't have the code right.

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Still no luck, MeCripp. But I did notice something. The start screen is showing the same amount of patches applied with or without my patch so I'm missing something obvious.

Edited by Otis
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Still no luck, MeCripp. But I did notice something. The start screen is showing the same amount of patches applied with or without my patch so I'm missing something obvious.

Try this one





@name = MonoPropellant

%amount = 0



What OS you have ? and what ModuleManager.*.*.* you running , I'm on Linux and most of the time, I have trouble make the file into a CFG but if, I edit one works all the time.

EDIT- Looking at MM OP might need space's in it like

@PART[*]:HAS[ @MODULE[ModuleCommand]:HAS[ @PROPELLANT[MonoPropellant] ] ]


@name = MonoPropellant

%amount = 0


Edited by Mecripp2
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I figured it out. I was in the process of editing when I saw your post. So, just a minute and I'll explain.

The problem was in the syntax for the part search. I didn't understand how the : actually worked.

This : @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]:HAS[@RESOURCE[MonoPropellant]]]

actually says look for any part that has the module "ModuleCommand" that contains the resource "MonoPropellant", which is none. The module doesn't contain the resource, the part does.

So, the correct code that actually works is :


%amount = 0

The "," says look for a part that contains both the ModuleCommand and the MonoPropellant, then change the amount to zero. Thanks for the help, MeCripp. A little nudge was all I needed. Now, whenever the new update comes out, I'll be ready to quickly change this little pet peeve of mine.

Edited by Otis
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Pretty sure that monoprop reserve is for the Kerbals. Hope you aren't planning on doing any EVAs. Ever.

Actually, Kerbals still use their special "EVA Propellant" and not MonoPropellant. Kerbals using MonoPropellant on EVA was a planned feature for 0.23 or 0.24 but was dropped for some reason.

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Actually, Kerbals still use their special "EVA Propellant" and not MonoPropellant. Kerbals using MonoPropellant on EVA was a planned feature for 0.23 or 0.24 but was dropped for some reason.

Yeah, I hope it stays the way it is. I think there was a change I saw or maybe it was a request, I can't remember. But, basically the way it was, EVA propellent was unlimited. As long as you kept going back to the pod, you could keep refilling. I'd rather see EVA propellant be a necessary resource for the pod as opposed to monopropellant. Just personal preference. Regardless of which, if it becomes necessary to carry one or the other, then I guess the extra weight could be justified, and should be planned for. But there is 2 ways of looking at it. Maybe the pods already contained the necessary supplies of EVA propellent, and we were getting cheated by not having a weight reduction upon return to the command pod.

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And if you look at the files you see



name = MonoPropellant <---- here

density = 0.004 <-----------here

unitCost = 1.2


transfer = PUMP

isTweakable = true




name = EVA Propellant <---here

density = 0 <--------------here guessing they needed to keep his or her weight down

unitCost = 0

flowMode = NO_FLOW

transfer = PUMP

isTweakable = false


EDIT- Guess if you wanted you could have your EVA use MonoPropellant or your commandPod use EVA Propellant hehe which that might be alittle cheat.

Edited by Mecripp2
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Yeah, might be something for HarvesteR to think about when he adds the difficulty settings in the next update, if that particular feature makes it in. And it's something that I didn't really think about before, and I might just change it for myself, now that I understand a little more about MM, to see how it plays out, and if it's fun or not.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I figured it out. I was in the process of editing when I saw your post. So, just a minute and I'll explain.

The problem was in the syntax for the part search. I didn't understand how the : actually worked.

This : @PART


actually says look for any part that has the module "ModuleCommand" that contains the resource "MonoPropellant", which is none. The module doesn't contain the resource, the part does.

So, the correct code that actually works is :


%amount = 0

The "," says look for a part that contains both the ModuleCommand and the MonoPropellant, then change the amount to zero. Thanks for the help, MeCripp. A little nudge was all I needed. Now, whenever the new update comes out, I'll be ready to quickly change this little pet peeve of mine.

Awesome, I was just going to look into making the same MM config today.

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Actually, Kerbals still use their special "EVA Propellant" and not MonoPropellant. Kerbals using MonoPropellant on EVA was a planned feature for 0.23 or 0.24 but was dropped for some reason.

I believe it had something to do with people not paying attention to whether or not there was actually any monoprop on the vessel before jumping out the airlock and ending up adrift. Not that they couldn't just make a little popup warning or something informing you that you're about to do something really dumb.

I've seen mods that do the same thing before though, so it's doable.

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