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Day/Night Switching Emissives and Lights in Statics

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Ola fellow devs. Bit stuck on a couple of things that would really jazz up the new bases I'm working on and looking for advice/pointers/help.

1 - KSC has a lot of emissives and light 'sprites' that switch state from off slowly to on as day becomes night. Any ideas on how this can be done?

2 - Actual lights rather than emissives. Possible? I'd imagine it requires KerbTown to support a module config linked to the lights in Unity somehow, so assuming that KerbTown will support it, again how to get them to switch states from day to night and back again rather than having them something switched on and off in a part by a player.


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I'd forgotten about that. Have you had any success using this Justin?

no, never tried it yet. Looking at the code... it looks like to be automatic (nothing to specify, just add the module to the building, as it look for emissive animation on its own), may or may not work. I never see one single building using it yet.

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Some update: add a building with a light and emissive anim (3 objects under the main GO in unity).

with the KSP 0.23.5 I use with some buildings: Kerbtown plug-in is totally messed-up, menu doesn't open anymore, lot's of exception in log.

with a KSP 0.22 with one single dummy test building: kerbtown works (remember it was the last official compatible version), the existing building disappear after adding the new one (just the files, not in the game), reappear after, the new added building with emissive anims is there but lights stays ON all the time.

I'll continue testing.

EDIT1: removing building on the 0.23.5 install makes Kerbtown works again.

It looks like something added by Honeyfox in the fix brake something (unrelated). Need more testing.

Edited by Justin Kerbice
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